Universität Wien

SPL 16 - Music Studies, Linguistics and Comparative Literature

160063 UE Psychoanalysis and Literature (1900-1930) - German, French, Italian and English examples and interrelations
160132 PS Bright Visions, Splendorous Downfalls - The "Phantastic" in Literature, Film and Other Arts since Modernity
160053 PS The Schlegel and the Shelley Circle: Gender Relationship in the German and English Romantic Era - Gender relations and literary creativity in the Romantic period
160150 SE The Celestina (Burgos 1499/1502; Zaragoza 1507) - Literary and philosophical sources, social context
110025 SE [de it] Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar - Italienisch - Die europäische Rezeption von Boccaccios Decameron
160149 SE Privatissimum
160195 SE Privatissimum
160147 SE Privatissimum
160061 SE Privatissimum
110034 VO [fr] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Französisch - Histoire de l'édition française II
110038 VO [fr] Literaturgeschichtliche Vorlesung - Französisch - Littérature française de la Renaissance
110039 VO [it] Literaturgeschichtliche Vorlesung - Italienisch - La letteratura italiana dell'ottocento
160026 UE Harmony
160027 UE Counterpoint
160028 UE Counterpoint
160187 UE Harmony
160250 PS Soul Music
160092 UE Palaeography - Mensural Notation (14th-16th Century)
160112 UV Numerology and Morals - Some Aspects of Ancient Greek Musical Aesthetics
160196 UV Euroean music history - from the "Wiener Moderne" to the Serial Music in the 1950s
160109 SE Performativity - A new perspective for musicology?
160020 DS Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
090173 VO Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in Classical Antiquity - Sprachphilosophie und Sprachwissenschaft in der Antike
160101 UE Old Irish 2
160102 VO Sound Change
160103 UE Modern Irish 1
160104 UE Modern Irish 3
160328 UE An overview of the Albanian Literature at times of "Albanian Renaissance (New Birth)" - first half of 19th Century, or till the year of 1912
160001 PV Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160004 PS Introductory Seminar in Sociolinguistics - Language-Politics
160006 SE Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160008 PS Introductory Seminar on Feminist Linguistics - Gender and Discourse
160031 PS Introductory Seminar: - Theory of Syntax
160033 PS Introductory Seminar in Patholinguistics - Language Acquisition Disorders
160040 SE Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160043 PS Issues in Research of Language Teaching - Foreign-language Teaching
160045 SE Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160193 SE Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160212 PS Discourse Analysis - Exercises in Transcription
160225 VO Issues in Phonology - Melody in Phonology: Past, Present and Future
160227 PS [en] Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - Cyclic Linearisation
160228 VO+SE Comparative Theory of Grammar - Microvariation
160229 VO [en] Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - From GB to Minimalism II
160231 SE Privatissimum - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
160233 VO Introduction to Migration Research from a Linguistic Perspective - with a particular focus on educational research
160236 UE Coding of Linguistic Data - Exercises in Transcription and Coding of Linguisitic Data: CHILDES
160240 PS Practicum II
160244 PS Comparative Theory of Grammar - relative clauses
160063 UE Psychoanalysis and Literature (1900-1930) - German, French, Italian and English examples and interrelations
160132 PS Bright Visions, Splendorous Downfalls - The "Phantastic" in Literature, Film and Other Arts since Modernity
160053 PS The Schlegel and the Shelley Circle: Gender Relationship in the German and English Romantic Era - Gender relations and literary creativity in the Romantic period
160150 SE The Celestina (Burgos 1499/1502; Zaragoza 1507) - Literary and philosophical sources, social context
110025 SE [de it] Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar - Italienisch - Die europäische Rezeption von Boccaccios Decameron
160195 SE Privatissimum
160061 SE Privatissimum
160147 SE Privatissimum
160149 SE Privatissimum
110034 VO [fr] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Französisch - Histoire de l'édition française II
110038 VO [fr] Literaturgeschichtliche Vorlesung - Französisch - Littérature française de la Renaissance
110039 VO [it] Literaturgeschichtliche Vorlesung - Italienisch - La letteratura italiana dell'ottocento

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34