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P4 Thematic Fields of Research (15 ECTS)
Bei LVs, die von anderen Studienprogrammleitungen angeboten werden, bitte unbedingt die ECTS beachten! Eine etwaige Anmeldung erfolgt außerdem über die zuständige Studienprogrammleitung.
- 240515 VO [ en ] MM3 Anthropologies of religious belief and identity
- 240516 VO MM3 Siberia under Putin - Centralism, Totalitarianism, Chauvinism, War and the Consequences for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Population Groups
- 240517 SE [ en ] MM3 Violence and (dead) bodies. Experiences from (post)conflict scenarios
- 240518 SE MM3 Historical and recent popular media research - identity-forming messages, propaganda and fake images
- 240519 SE [ en ] MM3 Animism revisited
- 240525 SE [ en ] MM3 Digital Identities and Socialities
- 240526 SE [ en ] MM3 Indigenousness and Identity
- 240527 SE [ en ] MM3 Sexuality, relationships, identities: Western norms and global perspectives
- 240530 VO [ en ] MM3 Chemical and toxic worlds
- 240531 SE [ en ] MM3 Permafrost, ice and snow: Anthropology and the (melting) cryosphere
- 240532 SE [ en ] MM3 The Dis/Comfort of Things: Researching Material Cultures
- 240533 SE [ en ] MM3 More-than-Human (Material) Culture(s)? - Material Culture as the Entanglement of Human and More-than-Human World Making
- 240535 VO [ en ] MM3 Media Anthropology
- 240536 SE [ en ] MM3 De/constructing the "other" - Exploring visual representations
- 240553 SE [ en ] MM3 The Antelives of Things: An Anthropology of the Unfinished
- 240554 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of labour
- 240555 SE [ en ] MM3 Politics, Pandemics and Reaction - Covid, HIV and Some Stereoscopic Temporalities of Conspiracy Thinking
Last modified: Th 06.03.2025 12:55