15.02. Koreanologie
Lehrveranstaltungen, die noch nicht im Rahmen des Bakkalaureatsstudiums belegt wurden, können auch als "Ostasienwissenschaftliche Vertiefung" oder als Wahlfach für das Magisterstudium angerechnet werden.Lehrveranstaltungen vom Magisterstudium, sonfern die Voraussetzungen erfüllt werden, sind auch anrechenbar als "Ostasienwissenschaftliche Vertiefung" des Bakk.studiums. Achtung: keine Doppelanrechnungen für evtl. späteres Magisterstudium !
A. Individuelles Bakkalaureatsstudium
- 150001 UE Introduction to Korean Studies
- 150073 UE Analysis of current events related to Korea I
- 150050 VO+UE Introduction to the history of Korea
- 150189 VO+UE [ en ] Analysis of Shifts of the Power in the Modern Korean Society
- 150090 VO+UE Economic Development Models in East Asia 1: China and North Korea
- 150190 PS [ en ] Controversy over the Korean Early Modernization and Its Modernity
- 150074 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I: Koreaness in Vienna
- 150127 PS Religious Traditions of East Asia
- 150115 SE Seminar on varying topics: Preparation for the master's thesis - Political development and political culture in South Korea between 1948 and 1979
- 150191 SE [ en ] The East-Asian Traditional Culture & "Korean Culture Wave"
- 150101 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation I-1
- 150111 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean I-1
- 150048 UE [ de ko ] Korean conversation I-1
- 150051 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation II-1
- 150110 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean II-1
- 150049 UE [ de ko ] Hanja I-1
- 150039 UE [ de ko ] Korean conversation II-1
- 150038 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation III-1
- 150112 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean III-1
- 150113 UE [ de ko ] Korean conversation III-1
- 150114 UE [ de ko ] Hanja II-1
B. Individuelles Magisterstudium
- 150002 UE Methods in scientific research on Korea I
- 150076 UE [ de ko ] Premodern Korean I
- 150084 VO+UE [ de ko ] Korean dramas as a mirror of modern Korean society
- 150115 SE Seminar on varying topics: Preparation for the master's thesis - Political development and political culture in South Korea between 1948 and 1979
- 150191 SE [ en ] The East-Asian Traditional Culture & "Korean Culture Wave"
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34