Universität Wien

Recommended as Free Elective Course

300067 VO Flora of Europa - (taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, ecology, morphology, ethnobotany)
300168 UE Economical plants - Useful plants (morphology, taxonomy, evolution, ecology, phytogeography, social history)
300240 VO Basic entomology - Introduction to the systematics, morphology and anatomy of insects.
300270 SE+EX The Aquarium Model of an Ecosystem? - für Biologen und Lehramtskandidaten
300356 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
300670 VO NATURA 20000 - nature conservation in the European Union
300671 VO The birds of Austria - an ecological overview

Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 01:57