C. Diploma Programme Philosophy
§ 3: First Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 3/1: Introductory Phase
- 180043 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180045 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Introduction to Philosophy
- 180087 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy - Inttroduction to Philosopy
- 180088 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy - Übung wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 180089 LPS Reading Course - Grundtexte der Philosophie
- 180197 LPS Reading Course - Descartes, Meditationen
- 180199 LPS Reading Course - Lektüreproseminar/Philosophische Lektüre
- 180200 LPS Reading Course - Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations
- 180201 VO History of Philosophical Ideas - Die großen Philosophen und Ihre Probleme
- 180202 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
- 180203 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
- 180204 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
- 180205 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
- 180344 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
§ 3/2: Compulsory Courses
§ 3/2/1 History of Philosophy [Old Curriculum 2]
- 180170 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180178 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Philosophy in the Islamic Cultural Area of the 8th-13th Cent
- 180182 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - von Bacon bis Kant
- 180355 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - On the Policy of a Non-Philosophy in Feuerbach, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard
- 180356 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
§ 3/2/2 Metaphysics [Old Curriculum 3]
- 180183 PS Metaphysics and Ontology - Einführung Geschichte der Erkenntnistheorie: René Descartes
- 180197 LPS Reading Course - Descartes, Meditationen
- 180208 VO-L Metaphysics and Ontology - Lecture-Logics and metaphysics
§ 3/2/3 Ethics [Old Curriculum 4]
- 180190 PS Ethics - Metaethik und normative Ethik
- 180193 VO Right and Morality - Konzepte des Bösen von Kant bis 9/11
- 180215 PS [ en ] Ethics - Introduction to Ethics
- 180216 PS Ethics - J.G. Fichte: Sittenlehre 1798
- 180217 PS Ethics - Über die Entstehung der Werte
- 180218 VO-L Ethics - Globalisierung und Moral
§ 3/2/4 Epistemology [Old Curriculum 6]
- 180183 PS Metaphysics and Ontology - Einführung Geschichte der Erkenntnistheorie: René Descartes
- 180186 VO Epistemology - Einführung in die Erkenntnislehre
- 180213 VO Theory of Science - Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie
- 180224 PS Media and Knowledge - Models and Model Experiments: On the History of Computer Simulation
- 180252 VO Mind, brain, behavior - Analytische Philosophie des Geistes, kognitive Neurowissenschaften und Psychoanalyse im interdisziplinären Dialog
- 180259 PS Simulation
- 180331 VO-L [ fr ] Knowledge and Society - Encycpédie et ordre des connaissance
§ 3/2/5 Logics [Old Curriculum 7]
- 180107 VO-GKL Basic Logic - Einführung in die Logik
- 180115 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
- 180333 SE [ en ] Ideas on logic - readings on what philosophers and logicians have thought about logic: its definition, its purpose, its methods
- 180360 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
- 180361 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
§ 3/2/6 Linguistic Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180142 VO Philosophy of Language - Einführung in die Sprachphilosophie
- 180308 SE Reference-necessity-essence
§ 3/2/7 Philosophy of Law and Philosophy of Politics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180218 VO-L Ethics - Globalisierung und Moral
- 180221 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Globalisierung und Moral
- 180222 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Rechtsphilosophie und Philosophie des Politischen
- 180279 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Holocaust
- 180292 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Menschenrechte
§ 3/2/8 Philosophical Anthropology [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180243 SE Topology
- 180245 PS Basic Writings of Phenomenology - Merleau-Ponty's "Phenomenology of Perception"
- 180268 SE Who are you, man?
- 180269 SE Genes and brains
- 180270 SE Being and growing
- 180271 PS Idea and construction of man
- 180301 SE [ fr ] Intersubjectivity in the french philosophy
- 180326 PS On the Critique of Biopolitics
§ 3/2/9 Aesthetics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180242 SE Art and nature
- 180310 SE "Centauren gebären ..." - Philosophy and Aesthetics: Friedrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner
§ 4: Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 4/1 Compulsory Courses
§ 4/1/1 History of Philosophy [Old Curriculum 2]
- 180170 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180178 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Philosophy in the Islamic Cultural Area of the 8th-13th Cent
- 180182 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - von Bacon bis Kant
- 180355 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - On the Policy of a Non-Philosophy in Feuerbach, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard
- 180356 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
§ 4/1/2 Metaphysics [Old Curriculum 3]
- 180184 SE Metaphysics and Ontology - Platon: Die Dialoge Parm. und Sophistes
- 180211 SE Metaphysics and Ontology - Transcendental Philosophy
- 180212 SE Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180267 SE Metaphysics and Ontology - Die Spätphilosophie von Leibniz
§ 4/1/3 Ethics [Old Curriculum 4]
- 180191 SE Ethics - Lévinas: Ethik als "Erste Philosophie"
- 180194 VO Elements of Applied Ethics - Ethische Probleme in der Medizin
- 180220 SE [ en ] Politics, Social Philosophy - Cosmopoltanism and Global Justice
- 180221 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Globalisierung und Moral
- 180232 SE Aging-Disease-Dying
- 180253 SE Environmental Ethics
- 180295 SE Bioscience and Life
- 180338 SE The ethics of reproductive technologies
§ 4/1/4 Epistemology [Old Curriculum 6]
- 180185 SE [ en ] Knowledge and Society - Francis Bacon: Idola
- 180209 SE Knowledge and Society - Britischer Empirismus: David Hume
- 180266 SE TCM - in wissenschaftstheoretischer Sicht
- 180280 SE Inferentialism versus Naturalism
- 180296 SE Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
- 180304 SE [ en ] Externalism in the Philosophy of Mind
- 180345 SE Philosophy and Mathematics
§ 4/1/5 Logics [Old Curriculum 7]
- 180299 SE Theories of Conditionals
§ 4/1/6 Philosophy of Nature [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180250 VO Natural Philosophy and Natural Science
- 180270 SE Being and growing
- 180295 SE Bioscience and Life
- 180328 SE Science and Structuralism
- 180343 SE Aristotle: On Nature
§ 4/1/7 Extra-European Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180196 VO Non-European Philosophy - Einführung in das chinesische Denken
- 180225 VO Non-European Philosophy - Philosophie in Lateinamerika
- 180226 VO Non-European Philosophy - Die Philosophie des Zen-Buddhismus
§ 4/2: Compulsory Elective Courses
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of Religion [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010148 VO Philosophical Theology
- 010163 SE Traditional Arguments for the existence of God ("Gottesbeweise") and their Critique
- 180238 SE The question on god
- 180255 VO The Conception of God
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of History [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180275 VO Fichte's Philosophy of Religion
- 180276 SE Kant's Treatise of Religion
- 180278 SE Ethics and Philosophy of Religion - Rosenzweig - The Star of Redemption
§ 4/2/2 Social Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180192 VO-L Politics, Social Philosophy - Einführung in das Marxsche Hauptwerk
- 180219 SE Politics, Social Philosophy - Social Ethics with Consideration to World Ethos
- 180229 VO+UE Ethics - Ethik in der Ressourcenallokation im Gesundheitswesen
- 180258 SE Anti-semitic Theories of Society
- 180342 SE Niklas Luhmann's Systems Theory
§ 4/2/2 Philosophical Women's and Gender Research [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180234 SE Bodies that matter (Judith Butler)
- 180294 SE The Seals of Sophia
- 180300 SE Queer-Studies
- 180303 SE Philosophies of Love
- 180306 SE Theories of Discourse
§ 4/2/3 Economic Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180235 VO Productivity
- 180261 VO Philosophy and Economies
- 180263 SE Philosophy and Economics
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology [Old Curriculum 5]
- 180213 VO Theory of Science - Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie
- 180214 VO Theory of Science - Geschichte des wissenschaftlichen Denkens
- 180223 VO-L Media Theory - Simulation
- 180311 VO "Normative" Philosophy of Science from the Vienna Circle to the Stegmüller School
- 180312 SE Evidence: Scientific Constitutions of Reality
- 180316 VO Basic concepts of Cognitive Science: Foundations, Models and Paradigms in Cognitive Science
- 180317 SE Interface Knowledge/Technology: Epistemic technology assessment
- 180318 SE Objectivity
- 180319 SE Technoscience and the reinvention of Nature: D. Haraway
- 180347 VO Theory of Science - Laboratory Life
- 180348 SE Knowledge and Society - The human nature in a mirror of philosophy of science
- 180349 SE Knowledge and Society - Knowledge and human association
- 180350 SE Knowledge and Society - plurally knowlege
- 180351 VO Theory of Science - experiment, test and evidence
- 180352 SE seminar of lecture
- 190832 SE 5.10.3 Michel Foucault: The order of the things. - An archaeology of the human sciences
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of the Media [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180195 VO-L Media Theory - Code: Kommunikation und Kontrolle
§ 4/2/4 Hermeneutics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180305 SE Theories of Discourse
- 180353 SE [ en ] The Logic of Sensation
§ 4/2/4 Philosophy of Culture [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180236 SE Seminar for Comparative Philosophy
- 180265 SE Theoretical conceptions and cultural basis of democracy
- 180266 SE TCM - in wissenschaftstheoretischer Sicht
- 180272 SE Hölderlin: Poetology
- 180297 VO A historical philosophical
- 180298 SE Transfer(ence)
- 180332 SE [ fr ] Bergson/La Pensèe/et le mouvant
- 180363 SE [ en ] Analytic Interpretations of Nietzsche
- 190832 SE 5.10.3 Michel Foucault: The order of the things. - An archaeology of the human sciences
§ 4/2/4 Intercultural Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
§ 4/2/5 Project Seminar
- 180231 SE Project-Module - Socrates (1)
- 180260 SE Recent Media of Theories
- 180314 SE Project Seminar in Philosophy of Science I: Foundations
§ 2/5: Courses in a Foreign Language
- 180090 VO-L Greek Terminology
- 180185 SE [ en ] Knowledge and Society - Francis Bacon: Idola
- 180215 PS [ en ] Ethics - Introduction to Ethics
- 180220 SE [ en ] Politics, Social Philosophy - Cosmopoltanism and Global Justice
- 180301 SE [ fr ] Intersubjectivity in the french philosophy
- 180304 SE [ en ] Externalism in the Philosophy of Mind
- 180353 SE [ en ] The Logic of Sensation
- 180358 UE Greek Terminology
- 180359 UE Greek Terminology
- 180363 SE [ en ] Analytic Interpretations of Nietzsche
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
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