28.03. Meteorologie und Geophysik
Erster Studienabschnitt
- 280208 UE Exercises in Introduction to Meteorology
- 280337 VO Introduction to Meteorology
- 280371 VO Introduction to Geophysics
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
2.1. Studienzweige Meteorologie und Geophysik
- 280022 VO Introduction to methods of working with statistics
- 280152 SE Meteorological-Geophysical Seminar
2.2. Studienzweig Meteorologie
- 280012 VO Theoretical Meteorology I
- 280013 UE Exercises in Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I - (Dynamik u.Thermodynamik z.Wetteranalyse/-prognose)
- 280016 VO Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I - (Analysis methods)
- 280019 KO Weather Discussion I (advective processes)
- 280021 UE Exercises in Theoretical Meteorology I - (Strahlung, Thermodynamik, Kinematik)
- 280023 VO Introduction to remote sensing
- 280026 VO Methods for numerical prediction
- 280028 UE Exercises in Methods for numerical prediction
- 280029 SE VERA-Seminar
- 280044 SE Literature-seminar (general meteorology)
- 280069 SE Meteorological Seminar
- 280070 PR Synoptic practical course I
- 280072 SE Seminar Theoretical Meteorology
- 280212 VO Climate II
- 280213 UE Exercises in Climate II
- 280298 SE Privatissimum in Biometeorology
- 280305 VO Meteorological aspects of environmental protection
- 280311 SE Instructions for scientific work
- 280315 SE Privatissimum (Meteorology&environmental prot.)
- 280332 PR Field practice in Meteorology - Meteorologisches Messpraktikum
- 280355 VO General Meteorology I
- 280363 VO Planetary boundary layer
- 280369 UE Exercises in Planetary boundary layer
- 280376 UE Exercises in General Meteorology I
- 280479 SE Klimadiagnostik der freien Atmosphäre
2.3. Studienzweig Geophysik
- 280033 VO Applied gravimetry
- 280034 UE Exercises in Applied gravimetry
- 280039 SE Seismic processing seminar
- 280067 VO Seismic instrumentation
- 280068 UE Exercises in Seismic instrumentation
- 280074 PR Practice in vibration protection
- 280210 VO Datenprocessing I
- 280211 UE Processing of seismic data
- 280216 PR Computer-aided measuring systems
- 280321 VO Thermography: application in environmental sciences
- 280324 UE Exercises in Thermography: application in environmental sciences
- 280370 VO Aspects of semi-automated methods in potential field interpretation
- 280375 VO Hydrogeophysics and Hydrogeology I
- 280400 VO Gravity and figure of the earth
- 280532 SE Vulkanismus: Relevanz in Gesellschaft und Kultur
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34