Universität Wien

4.23.2. Fundamental and Human Rights - Elective Area

030399 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
030094 SE [en] International Criminal Courts (ICC) - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
030108 SE [en] Indigenous Peoples`Rights in national and international contexts - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
030151 SE Seminar on Minority Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030156 KU Enquiries in market communication - (public advertising and the law)
030567 SE Discrimination for ethnic and religios reasons - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030712 SE [en] TNCS and Human Rights - (for masters and doctor students)
030718 SE Fundamental rights in the european constitutional space - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030724 SE [en] Human Rights and China - Analysis and Response - (für DissertantInnen)
030727 SE Application of Austrian constitutional law by the Austrian Constitutional Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030279 SE Seminar on Public Law - Recent Case Law on Fundamental and Human Rights (Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students)
030407 SE Development of Human Rights in Austria and the Relationship between Church and State - vertiefende historische Kompetenz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today

Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:00