Universität Wien

2.1. Perspectives of European Ethnology

080005 VO History of science as history of society - Introduction to European Ethnology
080037 SE folk culture
080062 UE writing pictures - from seeing to phrasing of the visual
080063 SE looking pictures - reading pictures. - pictural scientific acces into folklore/ anthropologie
080077 KO open colloquium - open colloquium
080082 SE Linz becomes Capital of Culture - transnational concepts in local practices
080084 UE+EX Fields of Research of European Ethnology - Folklore and Anthropology in and on Romania
080236 VO+UE+EX Embedded Industries
080239 VO+UE customs of the present - interpretation and analysis
080240 VO+UE little things - research to material cultur of childhood
080246 VO+UE glass and class - glass and class
080247 VO+UE ethnic psychoanalytic texts - ethnic psychoanalytic texts
080248 SE Through the Looking Glass - Through the Looking Glass.

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34