7.5. ABCM (5) Community and Landscape Ecology
- 300053 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300117 UE Ex: Application of Geographical Informat. Systems, Geo-statistics & Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
- 300290 UE Course in vegetation Ecology: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300430 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences - (Parallelkurs zu 300117)
- 300480 VO Syntaxonomy - Description, comparison and classification of plant communities
- 300506 VO Ecological effects of climate change
- 300548 SE Ants and their interactions
- 300622 VO Ecology and sociobiology of ants
- 300625 VO Landscape history
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology
- 300685 VO Plant Population Biology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34