3. Zusätzliches Lehrangebot
- 280135 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280136 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280174 SE Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 280326 UE Übungen zu Visual Basic
- 280340 VO Programmieren in Visual Basic
- 280351 VO Geochemie v. Cr, Mo, W
- 280396 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280417 UE Chemie für Erdwissenschaften
- 280448 VO Arbeiten mit Windows: Word
- 280449 UE Übungen zu Word
- 280460 SE Environmental Geosciences Seminar
- 280472 VO Harzkonservierte Taphozönosen: Bernstein und Bernsteinfossilien
- 280473 SE Workshop on Palecology and applied Palaeontology
- 280474 VO+UE [ en ] Geochemistry of metals in aquatic systems
- 280475 SE Introduction to Scientific Working - für Bakkalaureats-, Magister- u. Doktoratsstudierende
- 280476 VO+UE Scientific workflow exemplified by geodynamic problems
- 280477 SE Mineralogy - History and Teaching - at the universities of the Austro-Hungarian-Empire
- 280478 VO+UE Mathematical Crystallography
- 280480 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280481 SE Introduction to Scientific Working
- 280482 SE Seminar Mineralogy - Crystallography
- 280493 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280494 SE Introduction to Scientific Working
- 280496 UE Laboratory course: crystal structure determination (for advanced students)
- 280501 SE Selected chapters of crystal structure investigation
- 280502 UE Special methods of micropaleontological investigations - for postgraduates
- 280526 VO Granit- und pegmatitgebundene Lagerstätten
- 280536 SE Introduction to Scientific Working
- 280541 VO+UE Erkundungsverfahren in der Hydrogeologie
- 280542 SE+UE Tutorial for sedimentological and stratigraphic research - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280546 SE Seminar in Geology - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280555 VO+UE [ en ] Numerical Modeling of Geological Processes - (for diploma students and PhD students)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34