A. Bachelor Programme Physics
Compulsory Modules
1.1. Mathematics
1.1.1. Analysis for Physicists
- 260096 VO Analysis for Physicists II
- 260110 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists II
1.1.2. Linear Algebra for Physicists
1.1.3. Introduction to Computational Methods in Physics
1.1.4. Mathematical Methods of Physics
- 260007 VO P 5 Mathematical Methods of Physics I
- 260017 UE P 5 Mathematical Methods of Physics I - Exercises - Exercises
1.2. Introduction to Physics
- 260016 VO P 3 Introduction to Physics II
- 260071 PR Practical exercises for Introductory Physics II
- 260127 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics II
- 260278 VO P 11 Introduction to Physics IV
- 260172 RE Repetitorium to Introduction to Physics IV
- 260277 UE P 11 Exercise course in Introductory Physics IV - Condensed matter physics
1.3. Theoretical Physics
- 260267 VO Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics I
- 260244 UE Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics I - Exercises
1.4. Physics Laboratory
- 260259 PR Physics Laboratory II
1.5. Computer-based Methods
1.5.1. Informatics for Physicists
- 260126 VO Informatics for Physicists - Introduction in C Programing
- 260168 UE Informatics for Physicists - Introduction in C Programing - Exercises
- 260170 VO Informatics for Physicists - Functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
- 260169 UE Informatics for Physicists - Practical exercises to functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
1.5.2. Scientific Computing
- 260018 VO P 14 Scientific Computing - Computer Methods in Theoretical Physics (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 260019 UE Scientific Computing - Exercises for Computer Methods in Theoretical Physics
- 260162 VO+UE Introduction to Scientific Computing
- 260312 VO+UE Scientific Computing (programming languages and tools, basic algorithms)
1.6. Soft Skills
- 260095 UE Support for T2 and M2 with emphasis on computer algebra and wiki
- 260151 VO Soft Skills - Epistemology of Physics
- 260183 VO Physics education and "gender" - results of physics education research, intervention strategies
Optional Modules
2.1. Theoretical Physics
- 260085 VO Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I
- 260289 UE Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I - Exercises
2.2. Physics Laboratory III
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260062 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260087 PR PIII 11 Laboratory Theoretical Physics
- 260193 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
- 260290 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics - Practical lab course in quantum optics
- 260291 PR PIII 1 Laboratory Aerosolphysics - for advanced students
- 260294 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for physicists II
2.3. Matter and Fields
2.3.1. Mathematical Physics I
2.3.2. Relativity and Cosmology I
2.3.3. Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information I
- 260140 VO Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications
- 260137 SE Selected problems of quantum theory
- 260148 SE [ en ] Quantum Optics Seminar
2.3.4. Particle Physics I
2.3.5. Nuclear and Isotope Physics I
- 260140 VO Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications
- 260184 SE Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear and atomic physics and data evaluation II - (for Bachelor-Thesis, Diploma/Master-Thesis, Doctorate Studies)
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260135 SE Seminar on experimental particle physics
2.3.6. Computational Physics I
- 260008 VO+UE Parallel programming - (workstation clusters under MPI and OpenMP)
- 260162 VO+UE Introduction to Scientific Computing
- 260119 SE MF 1 Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems (MaG 25)
- 260262 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems II - from cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260312 VO+UE Scientific Computing (programming languages and tools, basic algorithms)
2.3.7. Condensed Matter Theory I
2.3.8. Solid State Physics I
- 260020 VO Phase transitions in solids - statistical models
- 260128 VO Introduction to the Physics of Metals and Alloys
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys
2.3.9. Materials Physics I
- 260020 VO Phase transitions in solids - statistical models
- 260061 VO Nonlinear optical materials
- 260128 VO Introduction to the Physics of Metals and Alloys
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys
2.3.10. Environmental Physics and Biophysics I
- 260296 VO Physics of sailing
- 260262 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems II - from cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260119 SE MF 1 Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems (MaG 25)
- 260111 SE Physics of Physiological Processes
2.4. Supplementary Modules
2.4.1. Chemistry for Physicists
2.4.2. Seminar on a Scientific Topic
- 260001 SE Advanced Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics
- 260029 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260066 SE Seminar on applications of high-temperature superconductors
- 260067 SE Seminar decoherence and geometry in quantum physics II
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260111 SE Physics of Physiological Processes
- 260184 SE Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear and atomic physics and data evaluation II - (for Bachelor-Thesis, Diploma/Master-Thesis, Doctorate Studies)
- 260247 SE Quantum information, entanglement and geometry
- 260285 SE Advanced Module Environmental Physics and Biophysics - Introduction to environmental sciences, seminar
2.4.3. Additional Qualifications
- 260296 VO Physics of sailing
- 260283 VO P 15 Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 260203 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus II
- 260171 VO Additional Qualifications - Introduction into PC hardware for scientists II
- 260175 UE Additional Qualifications - Practical class PC hardware for science II
- 260111 SE Physics of Physiological Processes
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
http://www.univie.ac.at/physik-spl/Dateien/Leitfaden-Bachelor.pdfAnrechnungsliste für den Bachelor-Studienplan Physik: