Universität Wien

M-05 Reality and Truth

070223 SE Wissenschaftsgeschichte - Wissen und Gesellschaft: Wissenschaftstheorie in historischen Beispielen.
180197 SE Hegel and Analytic Philosophy - McDowell's 'Mind and World' - A 'Turning Point in Philosophy'?
180198 PS Being or Having a Body? - About Scientific and Technological Interventions
180246 SE History of Realism in the 20th Century - realist and antirealist positions in the metaphysical and scientific realism debate
180274 SE Basic Writings of Phenomenology - Husserls "Cartesian Meditations"
180280 SE Plato III - Eros
180285 PS History of Epistemology - Kant - Critique of pure Reason (tr. Aesthetics, Analytic)
180292 VO Epistemology
180382 VO-L The will to semblance - On truth and lies

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35