A. Bachelor Programme International Business Administration (A 033 514): Curriculum 2008
1. Introductory Phase
1.1. Basics of General Business Administration
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040294 EK Financial Accounting for Beginners
- 040295 EK Cost Accounting for Beginners
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
- 040686 EK Introduction to Business Administration
1.2. Basics of Information Technology
- 040248 EK Foundations of Information Technology - Foundations of Information Technology
1.3. Basics of Business Mathematics
- 040407 UK Introduction to Business Mathematics
- 040408 VK Introduction to Business Mathematics
1.4. Basics of Economics
- 040006 EK [ en ] Principles of Economics (E)
1.5. Basics of Law
- 040060 EK Introduction to Private and Business Law
1.6. Basics of Sociology
- 040381 EK Industrial Sociology
2. Core Phase
2.1. ABWL: Financial Management
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
2.2. ABWL: Marketing
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
2.3. ABWL: Organization and Human Resource
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040502 VK Organization and Human Resources
2.4. ABWL: Production and Logistics
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
2.5. ABWL: Innovation and Technology Management
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
2.6. Business Administration-Accounting
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
2.7. Quantitative Methods in Business Administration
2.8. Micro Economy
- 040091 UK Introduction to Microeconomics
- 040184 UK [ en ] Introduction to Microeconomics (E)
2.9. Macro Economy
- 040090 UK [ en ] Introduction to Macroeconomics (E)
2.10. Private Law
- 040467 VK RdW: Private Corporate Law
- 040468 VK RdW: Public and Limited Corporate Law
- 040481 VK RdW: Business Law
- 040482 VK RdW: Private Law
2.11. Tax Law
- 040601 EK RdW: Introduction to Tax Law
- 040602 FK RdW: Determination of Income Tax Base
2.12. Business Mathematics
- 040635 FK WMS: Business Mathematics 2
- 040053 FK WMS: Business Mathematics 1
2.13. Business Statistics
- 040019 FK WMS: Business Statistics 1
- 040637 FK WMS: Business Statistics 2
2.14. Basics of Information Technology
- 040666 VK Foundations of Information Technology
2.15. Business English
- 040024 EK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English I
- 040025 FK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English II
2.16. Empirical Social Research
- 040511 VK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040537 EK BW SOZ: Social Research
3. Specialization Phase International Management
3.1. Compulsory Modules
3.1.1. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I Preparatory Courses
- 040179 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Grammar Course - Russische Grammatik
- 040305 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 1
- 040309 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Basic Russian 1
- 040311 UK [ es ] WI-SPR: Basic Spanish 1 - Grundkurs Spanisch 1
- 040375 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 1
- 040388 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 3
- 040389 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 3 Business Communication
- 040036 EK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 1
- 040037 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 2
- 040094 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 2
- 040097 EK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 1
- 040303 EK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 1
- 040304 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 2
- 040312 EK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 1
- 040380 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 2
3.1.2. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040023 VK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 4
- 040038 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 3
- 040039 VK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 4
- 040067 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 3
- 040306 VK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 4
- 040310 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 3
- 040320 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 3
- 040382 VK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 4
3.2. Elective Modules
3.2.1. International Accounting
- 040656 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040658 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
3.2.2. International Economics
- 040702 UK [ en ] IM: International Economics
3.2.3. International Environmental Management
3.2.4. International Financial Management
3.2.5. International Industrial Management
- 040633 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management I
- 040634 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management II
3.2.6. International Logistics
3.2.7. International Marketing
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
3.2.8. International Negotiations
3.2.9. International Personnel Management
- 040689 SE [ en ] IM/KFK PÖ: International Personnel Management
3.2.10. International Public Utility Management
3.2.11. International Strategy and Organization
- 040506 SE [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
- 040562 VK [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
3.2.12. Risk and Insurance
4. Additional Courses
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35