II.4.Subjects for Specialization
- 170077 KO Konversatorium (forum for discussion) in connection with the Main Lecture - Museum als Medium: Ordnung, Navigation, Narration, Inszenierung
- 170094 KO Konversatorium (forum for discussion) in connection with the Main Lecture
- 170010 VO Theatre as a business - On the history of theatre organization in 19th and early 20th century
- 170142 VO+UE Jura Soyfer (1912-1939) - His dramatic live and theatre
- 170113 UE Action Theories of Theatre Studies
- 170021 VO Introduction to thinking and evolution of europes cultural politics
- 170037 UE Austrian Cultural Policy - between Artistic Production, Cultural Management and Cultural Administration
- 170150 UE Art-Sponsorship
- 170045 UE Structures and Strategies of Independent Cultural Activities
- 170017 UE Contemporary Dance and Performance - Zeitgenössischer Tanz und Performance
- 170025 UE Literary Avice of Production and Contemporary Drama
- 170040 UE Surreal and absurd theatre
- 170030 VO+UE Notes on Camp
- 170043 UE Pocahontas - Give me Fever - An eternal myth
- 170088 VO+UE Gods - pilgrims - actors - A theatre-anthropological study of ritual and theatre
- 170049 UE Position of women in Indian Performance Arts
- 170136 VO Hear and Listen - The acoustic happening - Was wir hören wenn wir hören
- 170016 UE International Opera Practice
- 170053 UE Staging music
- 170243 UE Richard Strauss - Musikalische Dramaturgie, historische Position, Kraftfeld Moderne, Krise und Reaktion
- 170033 UE Music Theatre in Practice
- 170032 UE Applied musical dramaturgy
- 170102 UE Introduction to the work of theatreagents with special regard to copyright issues
- 170185 UE How to grap an idea - Filmdesign, theaterworks and art exhibition concepts
- 170143 UE Stage Costume - Introduction; Design and Concept Development
- 170004 UE Stage Photography
- 170007 UE Stage-Lighting on the theatre
- 170168 UE elocution lesson
- 170012 UE theory of theatre pedagogics - Grundbegriffe und Haltungen für eine reflektierte Praxis
- 170122 UE Theatre art education - education by the methods of performing arts
- 170026 UE Model: Children's Group for Interpretative Acting II
- 170008 UE Another view - female austrian avantgarde- short- and video filmmakers
- 170022 UE Folgenreiches Schreiben - Der Drehbuchautor als Serientäter
- 170029 UE Scientific and artistical workshop with Audio-Visual Media - Practical Training
- 170146 UE Videopodcast
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35