T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
- 230021 SE Key Texts of Critical Theory
- 230022 SE Seminar on Systems Theory
- 230023 SE Sociological theory: Sennett
- 230024 SE Agency and social order - Grenzen und Potentiale handlungstheoretischer Soziologie
- 230026 SE Social Differenciation
- 230027 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230043 VO Diagnoses of Society
- 230044 WA Diagnoses of Society
- 230045 WA Diagnoses of Society
- 230046 WA Diagnoses of Society: Michel Foucaults analysis of biopower and gouvernementality
- 230047 WA Diagnoses of Society: Globalization
- 230048 WA Diagnoses of Society: Feel well! A Genealogy of Emotions
- 230049 WA Diagnoses of Society
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35