Universität Wien

8.01 Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History

080056 PS The Medieval Cult of Saints and Relics in Art - Case Studies from the 13th and 14th centuries
080027 PS Byzantine Art in the period of Iconoclasm - rupture or continuity? - Abbruch oder Kontinuität? (byz.K.)
080031 PS Re/Presence: History and its Images in Modern and Contemporary Art - modernen und zeitgenössischen Kunst (nst.K.)
080055 PS Proseminar 3/4: Who was Henrietta Johnston? - The Art of Painting in the European Colonies of Northern America (ca. 1700-1800)
080057 UE Outsider Art/Art Brut. - Tutorial on the art historic discussion of artworks of artists suffering from mental illnesses
080059 UE Introduction in Gender, Queer and Postcolonial Studies - queer und post colonial Studies (nst.K.)
080057 UE Outsider Art/Art Brut. - Tutorial on the art historic discussion of artworks of artists suffering from mental illnesses
080087 UE Scientific communication - A writers' workshop for art historians - A writers' workshop for art historians
080012 SE Seminar
080012 SE Seminar
080012 SE Seminar
080028 EX Excursion
080043 EX Exkursion: Salzburg - Excursion
080060 EX Exkursion: Serbien - Excursion
080167 EX Excursion
080045 SE Privatissimum
080059 UE Introduction in Gender, Queer and Postcolonial Studies - queer und post colonial Studies (nst.K.)
080057 UE Outsider Art/Art Brut. - Tutorial on the art historic discussion of artworks of artists suffering from mental illnesses
080087 UE Scientific communication - A writers' workshop for art historians - A writers' workshop for art historians
080057 UE Outsider Art/Art Brut. - Tutorial on the art historic discussion of artworks of artists suffering from mental illnesses
080045 SE Privatissimum
080056 PS The Medieval Cult of Saints and Relics in Art - Case Studies from the 13th and 14th centuries
080027 PS Byzantine Art in the period of Iconoclasm - rupture or continuity? - Abbruch oder Kontinuität? (byz.K.)
080031 PS Re/Presence: History and its Images in Modern and Contemporary Art - modernen und zeitgenössischen Kunst (nst.K.)
080055 PS Proseminar 3/4: Who was Henrietta Johnston? - The Art of Painting in the European Colonies of Northern America (ca. 1700-1800)
080057 UE Outsider Art/Art Brut. - Tutorial on the art historic discussion of artworks of artists suffering from mental illnesses
080059 UE Introduction in Gender, Queer and Postcolonial Studies - queer und post colonial Studies (nst.K.)
080087 UE Scientific communication - A writers' workshop for art historians - A writers' workshop for art historians
080028 EX Excursion
080043 EX Exkursion: Salzburg - Excursion
080060 EX Exkursion: Serbien - Excursion
080167 EX Excursion
080012 SE Seminar
080045 SE Privatissimum

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35