C.2.2. Sociological Methods
- 230026 VO Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 230055 SE Methods of Qualitative Research: Ethnography I
- 230056 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230058 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230063 SE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics I
- 230065 SE Qualitative Methods: Visual Sociology of Knowledge
- 230156 SE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography I
- 230027 VO Multivariate Methods
- 230028 UE Data Collection
- 230029 SE Data Analysis
- 230030 SE Data Analysis - Forschungspraktikum
- 230045 UE Itemanalysis, Scaling and Index Construction
Last modified: Mo 20.08.2018 01:45