D.3.2. Methods
- 230038 VO+UE Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data
- 230039 VO+UE Cross-Cultural/Cross-National Survey Research
- 230042 VO+UE Structural Equation Modeling with Observed and Latent Variables
- 230045 UE Itemanalysis, Scaling and Index Construction
- 230046 UE Participant Observation: Sociology of Waste
- 230094 VO+UE Introduction to Evalation Research
- 230095 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - a Methodical Approach
- 230099 VO+UE Online-Research: Network Analysis
- 230112 SE Projectmanagement
- 230113 KU Projectmanagement
- 230150 SE Projectmanagement
- 230183 SE The Expert Interview in Social Sciences: Theory, Composition and Analysis
- 230184 SE Multiple Linear Regression
- 230634 PS planning and research management
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35