Universität Wien

1.02 Catholic Religious Education

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education

B1 Introduction to the Study of Theology (Orientation Period)

B2 Introduction to Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training and Subject Didactics

B3 Alternative Required Module: Introduction to Philosophical and Theological Methodology and Ecumenism

GR Alternative Required Module: New Testament Greek

B4 Philosophical Anthropology and Classics of Philosophical Thought

B5 Old Testament Studies I

B6 New Testament Studies I

B7 Church History - Compact

B8 Theory of Knowledge

B9 Ethics

B10 Old Testament Studies II

B11 New Testament Studies II

B12 Christology

B13 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers

B14 Basic Course Moral Theology

B15 Introduction to Canon Law

B16 Liturgical Studies

B17 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education I

B18 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training I

B19 Metaphysics and the Teaching of God

B20 Systematic Ecclesiology

B21 Ecumenical Theology

B22 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics

B23 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction

B24 Practical Ecclesiology

B25 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education II

B26 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training II

BAM Bachelor Module

Optional Subject

B. Master Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education

C. Diploma Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education (Version 1.10.2002)

1st Stage of the Degree Programme

Introduction to Theology

Christian Philosophy

Core Texts on Ethics and Anthropology

Social Ethics

Studies of Religions

Old Testament Studies

New Testament Studies

Church History

Spiritual Theology

Foundations of Liturgical Studies

Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training

Subject Didactics

Supplementary Examination in Greek

2nd Stage of the Degree Programme

Christian Philosophy

Christian Social Ethics

Studies of Religions

Old Testament Studies

New Testament Studies

Church History


Fundamental Theology

Dogmatic Theology

Ecumenical Theology

Moral Theology

Canon Law

Pastoral Theology

Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology

Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics

Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training

Subject Didactics

Practical Training in School


Electives and Free Electives

Optional Subject

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35