C. Diploma Degree Programme in Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Proseminars
1.1.1. Proseminar 1 (Including Practical Exercises before Original Works of Art)
1.1.2. Proseminar 2
- 080013 PS The Colour in Photography
- 080014 PS Donatello and the Art of the Early Renaissance
- 080024 PS Bought salvation. Medieval tomb sculptures in Italy
- 080029 PS Roman Baroque Architecture: Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini
- 080039 PS Highlights and Curiosities in the Museums' Collections of Vienna
- 080056 PS Adapting and Fabricating the Antique in High Medieval Italy - Kontinuität oder Erneuerung? (m.K.)
1.1.3. Proseminar 3/4
- 080015 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Die erste Generation der altniederländischen Malerei - der Meister von Flémalle, Jan van Eyck und Rogier van der Weyden (n.K.)
- 080016 PS Principal Monuments of Byzantine Art
- 080026 PS Eclecticism? Art around 1500 North of the Alps and the Carpathians
- 080030 PS The Jesuits and the Arts
- 080042 PS Art of the 1950s in Austria and Central Europe
- 080043 PS Proseminar 3/4: The North Indian Temple, 8th-14th century: Architecture and Architectural Decoration - Architektur, Skulptur und Bauplastik
- 080064 PS Proseminar 3/4: Jakob Prandtauer (1660-1726). Work and Career of the Monastery Master builder - Karriere und Werk des Klosterbaumeisters
- 080134 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Introduction to the Work of Louis Marin - Auseinandersetzung mit dem Werk von Louis Marin (n./nst.)
- 080210 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Josef Hoffmann - Architecture and Interior Decoration
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Lectures
- 080007 VO Introduction into the Art of India and Tibet
- 080008 VO Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080009 VO Technical History of Art: Historical basics and technologies of paintings and polychromed sculptures
- 080017 VO Art since 1789
- 080035 VO The History of Art Literature and Art History
- 080044 VO Art after 1945
- 080049 VO Spanish Painting from El Greco to Goya
- 080054 VO The Management and Construction of Architectural Monuments during the European Middleages. - Vorstufen - Hauptleistungen - Nachwirkungen (m.K.)
- 080067 VO Künstler, Profis, Knipser: Fotografie in Mitteleuropa 1880-1920 (nst.K.)
- 080084 VO Introduction to Iconography
- 080104 VO Late Gothique Painting in Austria
2. Conversatoriums
3. Practical Courses
- 080019 UE The Image of the Virgin in Byzantium
- 080025 UE Imperial Sightseeing: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este's Journey to India - (nst./ö./au.K.)
- 080027 UE Buddha and Sangha: religious and secular images in Buddhist art
- 080032 UE Übung: Die Belvedere-Schlösser in Wien und ihre Sammlungen (m./n./ö.K.)
- 080033 UE Analyzing paintings: an approach to works of art and their perception in a museum environment
- 080034 UE Baroque Furnishings in Viennese Churches and Palaces
- 080053 UE The Reception of the Old Masters in Modern and Contemporary Art
- 080057 UE Materialized history of art? The Architecture of the Viennese Ringstraße (1857/59-1914/18) - Formanalytische Übung an Objekten vor Ort
- 080058 UE Art History in Heritage Protection: Composing Expert's Reports on Historical Buildings
- 080059 UE [ en ] Women Art Collectors: Modernity, Fashion and Taste
- 080061 UE Photography published: Visual Concepts of 20th-Century Magazines
- 080062 UE Performing memory work
- 080065 UE "Paint what's on your Plate". On the Recurrence of Painting
- 080066 UE Contemporary art and the global Museum
- 080096 UE Changing Channels: Art and Television in the 1960ies, 1970ies and 1980ies
- 080106 UE Übung: Wie kann man Kunst beschreiben? Vermittlungskompetenzen für die Begleitung der STEP
- 080108 UE Byzantine Manuscripts in the Austrian National Library
- 080138 UE Artworks of the Italian Middle Ages in the Viennese Collections
4. Excursions
- 080005 EX Excursion - Excursion
- 080010 EX Excursion
- 080023 EX Rome: Baroque Painting in Rome from Caravaggio to Andrea Pozzo
- 080028 EX Excursion
- 080107 EX Exkursion: Linz und Umgebung
- 080114 EX Excursion: Salzburg
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Seminars
2.1.1. for the Diploma Degree Programme in Art History
- 080011 SE Japanese Screens 16th-21st century
- 080018 SE Perception and emotion in medieval convents
- 080021 SE Female Art-Patronage in early modern times
- 080031 SE Seminar
- 080036 SE Seeing sounds, listening to pictures - Equivalences in the history of art, music and sciences
- 080046 SE Seminar: Contemporary architecture of museums
- 080047 SE Seminar: Malerei und Buchmalerei im Trecento (m.K.)
- 080048 SE St. Stephan's Cathedral: Questionmarks on latest research
- 080050 SE Seminar: Caravaggio and his Followers: Artistic Dialogue and its Representation
- 080093 SE Seminar: Highlights of European Prints
- 080098 SE Seminar: 16th Century Gothic Architecture in Austria
- 080109 SE Seminar: Kommunikation und Technik in den Künsten seit 1960 (nst.K.)
- 080111 SE Seminar: Räume der Gegenwartskunst (nst.K.)
- 080159 SE Circa 1650. Themes and Problems of the Arts in Central Europe
2.1.2. for Art History as Free Elective or Second Subject and Combination of Subjects (Old Curriculum)
2.2. Work Group
2.3. Research Seminars
- 080041 SE Privatissimum zur ästhetischen Theorie
- 080045 SE Privatissimum
Information on Complementary Courses from Other Departments
- 140143 VO [ en ] Selected Chapters from the Religious History of Tibet: - The Time of the Tang and Yuan Dynasties in China
- 140144 PS Court Ritual and Ligitimation of Kingship: Jaipur and the Dynasty of the Kachvaha Rajputs
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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