Universität Wien

C. Diploma Degree Programme in Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History

m.K. = mittlere Kunstgeschichte, n.K. = neuere Kunstgeschichte, nst.K = neueste Kunstgeschichte, ö.K. = österreichische Kunstgeschichte, au.K. = außereuropäische Kunstgeschichte, byz.K. = byzantinische Kunstgeschichte.
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First Stage of the Degree Programme

1.1. Proseminars

1.1.1. Proseminar 1 (Including Practical Exercises before Original Works of Art)

1.1.2. Proseminar 2

1.1.3. Proseminar 3/4

First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme

1. Lectures

2. Conversatoriums

3. Practical Courses

4. Excursions

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

2.1. Seminars

2.1.1. for the Diploma Degree Programme in Art History

2.1.2. for Art History as Free Elective or Second Subject and Combination of Subjects (Old Curriculum)

2.2. Work Group

2.3. Research Seminars

Information on Complementary Courses from Other Departments

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35