T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140138 VO+UE Internationalisms and Global Inequality
- 140332 SE T II - Between Racism and the Civilizing Mission: Colonial Literature on Africa - afrikanische Reise- und Kolonialliteratur
- 140534 SE Uneven Development
- 140512 SE Global History - 16th and 17th Century
- 140533 SE Social and political transformation processes the Middle East
- 140302 SE Seminar in African History: Colonial State, Economy and Development
- 140203 VO History of Central Africa since 1800
- 140071 VO States and Societies in Postcolonial Africa - (Überblicksvorlesung afrikanische Geschichte 4)
- 140182 KU Politics and Religions in East Africa
- 150062 VO+UE New Religious Movements in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam)
Last modified: Th 19.05.2022 00:59