PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History
- 070332 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - From Colony to Great Power: British North-America and the United States, 1607-1913"
- 070535 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Maritime Politik im Mittelmeerraum: Technologie- und Wissenstransfer, Expansions- und Handelspolitik (1000-1600)
- 070540 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Die Karibik-Geschichte und Gesellschaft 1492-2000
- 070553 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Geschichte Afrikas in der Neuzeit II
- 070584 SE [ en ] Indigenous Movements in Latin America in a Global Perspective
- 070587 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1 - Absolutism and Constitutionalism. Between the Old Regime and the New in the Spanish monarchy. A special inquiry about the Rio de la Plata case.
- 070588 SE Seminar Specialisation 1 - The Elites of Power and the War of the Spanish Succession: a Sociocultural Analysis of the Political Processes.
- 090149 VO Introduction to the history of the Huns in Asia and Europe - including a survey of post-Hunnic peoples
- 140004 VO Vorlesung zur osmanischen Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte (Türkische Landeskunde IV) - Turkish Regional Studies IV(History of Turkish Principalities in Asia Minor)
- 140044 VO Introduction to Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
- 140060 VO History, Politics and Islam (special themes)
- 140100 VO The Yogacara Doctrine in the Five Works of Maitreya
- 140127 VO Islam in Asia outside the Arab World
- 140316 VO Kush and the Ancient World
- 140343 SE Gandhi's Political Philosophy and Practice
- 150006 VO The Edo Period. Political, Social and Cultural Aspects of Early Modern Japan
- 150009 VO+UE [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia - 20th Century
- 150031 SE Political Systems in East Asia
- 150092 SE Seminar II: Student Movement in Japan
- 150138 SE SE PR 420 Elite Education: Universities and Student Movements in China
- 070277 KU "Wir waren zuerst da" - Autochtonitäts- und Kontinuitätsvorstellungen in Südosteuropa
Last modified: Th 29.10.2020 02:02