31.02. Doctoral Degree Programme
- 270027 SE Seminar in Molecular Cell Biology - for PhD Students
- 270066 SE Advanced Methods in Biochemistry - for PhD Students
- 300199 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club I - DK RNA Biologiy
- 300245 SE [ en ] Epigenetics: research news and journal club
- 300249 VO [ en ] RNA Journal Club
- 300401 SE [ en ] RNA Seminar 1 - Work in Progress
- 300581 SE Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 300584 UE Project management in science communication
- 300598 VO GTPases: Structure and Function
- 300635 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part I - Literature Seminar, Part I
- 300680 VO [ en ] Epigenetic Mechanisms
- 300687 VO Transcription factors and human disease - Elective Course in Molecular Medicine
- 300688 VO [ en ] Plant hormones - function and modes of action
- 300691 VO Plant Molecular Biology I - Molecular Cell Biology
- 300705 VO Plant Molecular Biology II - Molecular Plant Physiology
- 300706 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment in Molecular Medicine
A. PhD-Curriculum in Natural Sciences in the field of Life Sciences, field of study Molecular Biology (A094490, PhD)
- 300197 SE [ en ] Protein modification by ubiquitin and other groups - Vertiefungsseminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 300206 SE [ en ] Forschungsprivatissimum
- 300412 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology
- 300429 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Image Processing for Light Microscopy
1. Vienna Bio Center (MFPL/VBC) PhD Programme
- 300206 SE [ en ] Forschungsprivatissimum
- 300294 VO [ en ] VBC Lecture, Part II - VBC Lecture, Part II
- 300310 VO Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300429 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Image Processing for Light Microscopy
- 300524 SE [ en ] MFPL-Research Seminars III
- 300573 SE [ en ] Biology of Cell Nucleus - SE Functional organization of the cell nucleus - Seminar for the students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
- 300574 SE [ en ] "Work-in-progress" seminar - for students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
- 300635 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part I - Literature Seminar, Part I
2. DK RNA Biology
- 300199 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club I - DK RNA Biologiy
- 300249 VO [ en ] RNA Journal Club
- 300401 SE [ en ] RNA Seminar 1 - Work in Progress
3. DK Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Signaling
- 300069 UE [ en ] Advanced Methods Workshop II AMW-Mouse models/ Gene silencing - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300071 UE [ en ] Advanced Methods Workshop II AMW-DNA/ Protein Interaction - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300074 UE [ en ] Advanced Methods Workshop II AMW-Electron microscopy - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300211 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club III - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300215 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Work in progress III - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
4. DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300361 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs II - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300364 SE [ en ] Work in progress report II - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300368 SE [ en ] Protein Purification Workshop - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300467 VO Ethics in Medicine and Good Scientific Practice - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
B. Doctoral Degree Programme in Natural Sciences (main area of study Molecular Biology A091490, or Microbiology and Genetics A091441, Dr.rer.nat)
- 300197 SE [ en ] Protein modification by ubiquitin and other groups - Vertiefungsseminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 300206 SE [ en ] Forschungsprivatissimum
- 300294 VO [ en ] VBC Lecture, Part II - VBC Lecture, Part II
- 300310 VO Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300412 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology
- 300574 SE [ en ] "Work-in-progress" seminar - for students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
- 300635 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part I - Literature Seminar, Part I
Last modified: Th 07.12.2023 01:19