C. Diploma Degree Programme Economics (A 140)
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Introduction to Economics
- 040126 UK Political Economy of Europe
- 040134 VO History of Economic Policy
- 040138 UK Introduction to Formal Modeling
- 040145 VO Introduction to Economics
- 040146 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040154 AK [ en ] AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040219 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Finanzkrisen des Staates 16. - 20. Jahrhundert
- 040778 UK Introduction in Philosophy of Economics
1.2. Economics
- 040115 UE [ de en ] Microeconomics 1
- 040151 UK Microeconomics I
1.3. Mathematics
1.4. Statistics
1.5. Applied Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040131 UK Introductory Econometrics
- 040693 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics
1.6. Business Administration
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040428 FK Marketing
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
- 040686 EK Introduction to Business Administration
1.7. Elective Course
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Finanzkrisen des Staates 16. - 20. Jahrhundert
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Economic Theory
- 040124 UK [ en ] Game Theory 2
- 040130 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic 2
- 040158 UE [ en ] Advanced Macroeconomics (E)
- 040779 UE [ en ] Game Theory 2
- 040800 UK [ en ] Theory of Incentives
2.2. Applied Economy
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040799 UK [ en ] Industrial Economics of Transition Countries
- 040833 UK Labor Market
2.3. Financial Science
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
2.4. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040152 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E)
- 040549 VO Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models
2.5. Elective Courses
- 040128 SE Development Policy - Entwicklungspolitik: Der IWF
- 040148 VO Law and Economics - Vorlesung Recht und Ökonomie I (Grundlagen, ökonomische Analyse des Privat- und Strafrechts)
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Finanzkrisen des Staates 16. - 20. Jahrhundert
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
- 390028 UK [ en ] PhD-E: Scientific Writing
2.6. Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36