B. Master Degee Programme in Political Science
1. Required Modules
M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210050 VO M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210094 PS M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210192 PS M1: Basics of Political Science
M2: Methods of Political Science
- 210096 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
- 210193 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
2. Group of Elective Modules - Specialisations
- 210001 VO M3/M4/M5/M7 Lecture - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Staat
- 210053 VO M3a - M10a: Lecture Consolidation Module - Globalisierung, Transformation der Arbeit; Gewerkschaften
M3(a): Political Theories and Research on Theory - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210015 VO M7a/M3a/G6/F/G10/Diss/D6: VO State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210018 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210051 VO M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210052 VO M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210055 VO M3/M7 Lecture
- 210097 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory - On the relationship between structure and agency in current political theories
- 210098 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210099 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210001 VO M3/M4/M5/M7 Lecture - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Staat
- 210151 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Ein neuerer Ansatz der Analyse des Kapitalismus
- 210168 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory - in europäischen und amerikanischen Städten
- 210175 VO [ en ] M3 a: Human Rights Perspectives - Genesis and Impact of a Concept
- 210176 SE [ en ] M3 b: Human Rights Perspectives in War and Conflict
M4(a): International Politics and Development - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210023 SE M4a/G4/G7/Diss: SE International Politics and Development - Theory and practice of poverty reduction in the International Development Cooperation
- 210100 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Zur politischen ökonomie der ökologischen Krise
- 210101 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Demokratische und rechtsstaatliche Entstehung sowie Entwicklung in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan des Nordiraks?
- 210102 SE [ es ] M4 b: International Politics and Development - Die neuen Führungsmächte in Lateinamerika? (Sprache: Spanisch)
- 210001 VO M3/M4/M5/M7 Lecture - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Staat
- 210147 SE M4a/G4/G7/Diss: SE International Politics and Development - Global Trends and their implications on security policy
- 210151 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Ein neuerer Ansatz der Analyse des Kapitalismus
- 210179 VO [ en ] 814010 VO Foresights - Wohin entwickelt sich die Welt? (in Eng.) - 814010 VO Foresights - Wohin entwickelt sich die Welt? (in Eng.) (Wie lernt die Gesellschaft?)
M5(a) EU and Europeanisation - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210002 VO M6/M5/G4/F/G1: VO RingVO SpezialVO: Asylpolitics
- 210013 SE M9a/M5a/M7a/G5/F: SE - Transformation of social policy in the new member states of the EU
- 210014 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210029 SE M5a/M6a/G1/F: SE European Union and Europeanisation - Political finance in liberal democracies
- 210045 VO M6a/M5a/G4/F/G1/C2/B: VO Austrian Politics
- 210054 VO M5a - M6a: Lecture Consolidation Module
- 210103 SE M3a - M10a: SE Consolidation Module
- 210105 SE M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation - Im Spannungsfeld neuer Herausforderungen
- 210001 VO M3/M4/M5/M7 Lecture - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Staat
- 210161 SE M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation
- 210181 SE [ en ] M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation
M6(a): Austrian Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210002 VO M6/M5/G4/F/G1: VO RingVO SpezialVO: Asylpolitics
- 210019 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics
- 210020 SE M6b/G4/F/Diss: SE Austrian Politics
- 210029 SE M5a/M6a/G1/F: SE European Union and Europeanisation - Political finance in liberal democracies
- 210045 VO M6a/M5a/G4/F/G1/C2/B: VO Austrian Politics
- 210054 VO M5a - M6a: Lecture Consolidation Module
- 210103 SE M3a - M10a: SE Consolidation Module
- 210153 SE M6 a: Austrian Politics
M7(a): State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210013 SE M9a/M5a/M7a/G5/F: SE - Transformation of social policy in the new member states of the EU
- 210014 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210015 VO M7a/M3a/G6/F/G10/Diss/D6: VO State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210055 VO M3/M7 Lecture
- 210106 SE M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210107 SE M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210108 SE M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Transformation von Staatlichkeit und Gewalt
- 210001 VO M3/M4/M5/M7 Lecture - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Staat
- 210162 SE M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Was fördert und hindert die Implementierung von und Compliance mit Rechtsvorschriften?
- 210167 SE [ en ] M7(a)/Diss/G6: SE VertiefungsSE: Comperative Social Policy
M8 (a): Gender and Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210109 SE M8 a: Gender and Politics - Herausforderungen für die sozialwissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung
- 210110 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics
M9(a): East European Studies - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210013 SE M9a/M5a/M7a/G5/F: SE - Transformation of social policy in the new member states of the EU
- 210024 SE [ en ] M10b/M9b/G10: SE SpezialisierungsSE: Current Trends in Antisemitism Research
- 210056 VO M9 a: East European Studies
- 210111 SE [ en ] M9a/G5/F: SE VertiefungsSE: South Caucasus: a part or apart of Europe?
- 210112 SE M9 b: East European Studies
- 210114 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics - Lesen, Kommunikation und die Entwicklung politischen Bewußtseins
M10(a): Culture and Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210024 SE [ en ] M10b/M9b/G10: SE SpezialisierungsSE: Current Trends in Antisemitism Research
- 210057 VO M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210113 SE [ en ] M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210114 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics - Lesen, Kommunikation und die Entwicklung politischen Bewußtseins
- 210154 SE M10 b: Culture and Politics
- 210168 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory - in europäischen und amerikanischen Städten
- 210169 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics - Religion and the Welfare State
B. Master Degee Programme in Political Science
- 210004 SE M11: Research Practice part 1 - Vergangenheitspolitik (Fortsetzung Teil2 im SS2011)
- 210005 SE M11: Research Practice (Part 2)
- 210011 SE M11: Research Practice part 1 - Initiatives in social policy at EU and national level: the case of Flexicurity
- 210012 SE [ en ] M11: Research Practice part 1 - Designing Research in the Field of European Integration (Fortsetzung im SS2011)
- 210115 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210116 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210117 SE M11: Research Practice - In den neuen Mitgliedstaaten der EU
- 210118 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210119 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210120 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210121 SE [ en ] M11: Research Practice
- 210123 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210170 SE M11: Research Practice
M10(b): Culture and Politics - Specialisation
- 210006 SE M13.1/Diss/Dipl: Master's Seminar
- 210007 SE M13.1/Diss/Dipl: Master's Seminar
- 210008 SE M13.1/Diss/Dipl: Master's Seminar
- 210009 SE M13.1/Diss/Dipl: Master's Seminar
- 210010 SE M13.1/Diss/Dipl: Master's Seminar
- 210124 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210125 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210126 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210127 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210128 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210129 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210130 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210131 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210132 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210133 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210134 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210135 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210138 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210155 SE M13: Master's Seminar
4. Elective Area (M12)
- 210171 SE [ en ] H: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210172 SE [ en ] H: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210173 SE [ en ] H: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36