A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Art History
1. Orientation Period
M 1: Introductory Course Art History
- 080117 VO Propädeutikum Kunstgeschichte
M 2 - M 3: Introduction to Art History
- 080030 VO Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080063 VO Einführung in die Ikonographie
2. Art Periods
M 4: Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period)
- 080058 VO Art Periods: Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period) - Epochen der Kunstgeschichte: Mittelalter I (Spätantike bis Romanik)
M 5: Medieval Age II (Gothic and Late Gothic Periods)
M 6: Renaissance and Baroque Periods
M 7: Modern and Contemporary Periods
3. Case Studies
M 8: Case Study I
- 080028 PS Proseminar 2/Fallstudie I: Das byzantinische Bildprogramm (byz.K.)
- 080040 PS Proseminar 2/Fallstudie I: Haarlem und der Beginn des Goldenen Zeitalters (n.K.)
- 080047 PS Andrea Palladio
- 080056 PS The Cathedral Facade in the Middle Ages - Screen and Threshold
- 080061 PS Form and Function of Italian Renaissance Drawing
- 080064 PS Proseminar 2/Fallstudie I: Die Stiftskirche von Melk. - Entstehungsgeschichte eines barocken "Gesamtkunstwerkes" (n./ö.K.)
- 080083 PS Case Study I
- 080107 PS German Book Illumination of the Late Middle Ages
M 9 - M 10: Case Study II/III
- 080031 PS Proseminar
- 080037 PS Cooperation and Conflict. Religious Art Production of the Franciscans in Italy - (Umbria, Tuscany, Veneto)
- 080087 PS Case Study II/III: Architecture of the Mendicant Order in Austria
- 080096 PS Case Study II/III
- 080099 PS Monument - Memorial - Countermonument. - Transformations in Modern Commemoration
- 080102 PS Case Study II/III: Eyewitnessing the Extreme. - Iconography and Representation of Early Modern Martyrdom and the Status of the Image
- 080105 PS Circle and Square in the Art of India
- 080134 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Topological Approaches in Art History
4. Special Topics
M 11: Special Topics A
- 080035 VO From Amimetic Images to Abstract Art
- 080044 VO Art after 1945
- 080049 VO Caravaggio and European Painting around 1600
- 080068 VO "The Author as ..." - Models of Artistic Production in Modern and Contemporary Art
M 12: Special Topics B
- 080071 VO Chinesische Künstlerinnen vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (au.K.)
- 080073 VO [ en ] The Art of Medieval India: Buddhist, Jain and Hindu (au.K.)
- 080075 VO Phos - Lux - Licht! Über das Licht im Sakralbau (byz.K.)
5. Specialisation
M 13: Methods/Theories in Art History
- 080078 UE The Biography as a Source of Evidence for the History of Art - An Approach to a Methodological Question
M 14: Fields of Practice in Art History
- 080020 VO Technical History of Art: Building Materials, Mural Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
- 080082 UE The Art Work - Art or Merchandise - an Introduction to the Art Trade
M 15: Individual Specialisation
- 080027 UE Übung zur VO "The Art of Medieval India: Buddhist, Jain and Hindu (au.K.)
- 080032 UE Übung: Repräsentationselemente historistischer Architektur (nst./ö.K.)
- 080044 VO Art after 1945
- 080049 VO Caravaggio and European Painting around 1600
- 080068 VO "The Author as ..." - Models of Artistic Production in Modern and Contemporary Art
- 080074 VO NS-Kunstpolitik und NS-Kunstraub (nst.K.)
- 080076 UE On the Construction of Masculinity and Femininity by Reference to Selected Works of Art - in Viennese Collections from Antiquity to the Baroque Period
- 080081 UE Birgit Juergenssen
- 080082 UE The Art Work - Art or Merchandise - an Introduction to the Art Trade
- 080089 VO Instruments of Research in History of Medieval Architecture
- 080090 UE Übung: Frida Kahlo (nst.K.)
- 080100 UE Neoclassicism: Politics and Reflection 1750-1900
6. Final Stage
M 16: Art in Vienna
- 080052 EX Kunst in Wien
- 080085 EX Art in Vienna
- 080111 EX The Art Scene of Vienna: Spaces, Institutions, Agents
- 080210 EX Art in Vienna
M 17 - M 18: Seminar and Bachelor's Project
- 080022 SE Courtly, Civic and Monastic Cultures. - Bohemian King Ottokar II. and his Entourage
- 080036 SE Michelangelo's Drawings - Equivalences in the History of Art, Music and Sciences
- 080046 SE Seminar
- 080050 SE Seminar: Sculpture and Photography
- 080051 SE The Mandala: Theory and Practice in India and Tibet - Exploring the Normative and the Performative
- 080055 SE Seminar: Gothic-reception? Light-glass-construction in the architecture of the 19th-21st centuries
- 080079 SE Seminar: Sofia - von der Geschichte bis zur wissenschaftlichen Literatur (byz.K.)
- 080084 SE Seminar: Political Iconography in Europe between 1700 and 1900
- 080086 SE Seminar: Lebensreform und visuelle Medien um 1900 (nst.K.)
- 080093 SE Seminar
- 080098 SE Seminar: Medieval Cistercian Architecture in Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and Bohemia
- 080109 SE Seminar: Poetics of Walking in the Arts
- 080159 SE Seminar: Bernini, Borromini und die Folgen (n.K.) - Zu der "Radikalbarockarchitektur" in Mitteleuropa
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36