M01 APM 1
- 160039 UE History and methods of editing early music
- 160043 SE Battle of the sexes in musical theatre
- 160044 PR Edition technique of the example of diaries and chronicles and to Franz Schubert
- 160050 UE Introduction into the practice of notation and composition of medieval monophonic music
- 160057 UE Current Musicology
- 160066 VO Ludwig van Beethoven
- 160067 SE New Music around 1430: Dunstable - Binchois - Dufay
- 160070 VO+KO Opera in 18th Century
- 160076 SE Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and the others: Piano Music from 1830 to 1856 - Klaviermusik von ca. 1830 bis 1856
- 160082 VO Music history I - from antiquity to 1300
- 160085 VO Selected music theory textbooks in the 17th and 18th century - und ihre Bedeutung für die Aufführungspraxis
- 160091 VO Film Music in Hollywood from 'King Kong' (1933) to 'The Lord of the Rings' (2001)
- 160097 VO+UE Music Performance seen with the computer - Quantitative methods for empirical performance research
- 160102 KO Conversatorium to the lecture Music history I
- 160114 VO+UE Music and Language. On Albrecht Wellmer's Philosophy of new Music
- 160115 UE Quid est dansa? Dance and dance musice from medieval to Biedermeier
- 160124 VO+UE Introduction into the methods of analysis I.
- 160170 SE The Myth of Orpheus
- 160196 VO Ludwig van Beethoven
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36