Universität Wien

1.02. Study of Religions

A. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)

EC Basics and Methods of Study of Religions

M1: Introduction to Study of Religions

1.1. Introduction to the History of Religions
1.2. Introduction to the Comparative Systematic Study of Religions

M2: Basics and Methods of Study of Religions

M3: Introduction to the Study of Written Sources

EC Key Issues in the History of Religion

M1: Introduction to the History of Abrahamic Religions

M2: Introduction to the History of Religions of Indian Origin

B. Master Degree Programme in Study of Religions

1. Required Modules

M01: Key Issues in the History of Religion

1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
7. Others

M02: Special Courses in History of Religion

1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
7. Others

M03: Comparative Systematic Science of Religion

M04: Applied Systematics

M05: Religion and Society

M06: Psychology of Religion

M07: Additional Subject Areas

1. Missiology, Theology of Religion
2. Political Dimensions of Religions
3. Didactics of Religions
4. Aesthetics of Religions
5. Anthropology of Religion
6. Philosophy of Religion
7. Law of Religions

M08: Reading Course: Sacred Texts

M09: Recent Research Approaches

M10: Science of Religion in Practice

2. Elective Modules

M12: Relevant Source Language

M13: Advanced Source Language

M14: Thesis Supervision

M15: Specialisation: History of Religion

M16: Specialisation: Systematics

M17: Specialisation: Methods of Empirical Research

M18: Advanced History of Religion

M19: Advanced Methodology

M20: Advanced Systematics

M21: Advanced Subject Area

M22: Advanced Reading

C. Individual Degree Programme in Science of Religion

1. Introduction to Science of Religion

1.1. Introduction to History of Religion

1.2. Introduction to Comparative Systematic Science of Religion

1.3. Proseminar: Basics of Science of Religion

1.4. Study of Written Sources

1.5. Reading Theological Texts

1.6. Methodology, 2nd Stage of the Degree Programme

2. History of Religion

2.1. Contemporary Religions

2.2. Special Courses in History of Religion

2.2.1. Judentum
2.2.2 Christentum
2.2.3. Islam
2.2.4. Religionen indischen Ursprungs
2.2.5. Ostasiatische Religionen
2.2.6. Sonstige

2.3. Historical Religions

3. Comparative Systematic Science of Religion

4. Sub- and Bridge Disciplines

4.1. Missiology and Theology of Religion

4.2. Political Dimensions of Religions

4.3. Didactics of Religions

4.4. Aesthetics of Religions

4.5. Anthropology of Religion

4.6. Philosophy of Religion

4.7. Psychology of Religion

4.8. Law of Religions

4.9. Sociology of Religion

5. Practical Training, Excursions

D. Doctoral Degree Programme in Religious Studies

Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50