Universität Wien

13.04 Slavonic Studies

Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden, wenn nicht anders angegeben, in den Seminarräumen (Sr. 1 bis 8) des Instituts für Slawistik statt (Wien IX., Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 3 des Universitätscampus). Die Seminarräume 1 bis 4 befinden sich im Erdgeschoß, die Seminarräume 5 bis 7 im Obergeschoß, Seminarraum 8 im Zwischengeschoß des Institutsgebäudes.

130053 UE [bg de] Language Aquisition Bulgarian 1, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
130032 UE [de sl] Language Acquisition Slovenian 3 part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
130131 UE [de sk] Language Aquisition Slovak 3 , part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
130132 UE [de sk] Language Acquisition Slovakian 3 part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
130138 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 3 B, part 2 - together with part 1
130143 UE [de sl] Language Acquisition Slovenian 3 (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
130222 UE [cs de] Language Aquisition Czech 3, part 2 - together with part 1
130089 KO Polish flexion
130147 KO Linguistics Czech and Slovak - Zur Wortschatzentwicklung des Tschechischen und Slowakischen
130157 PS Area and cultural studies in Russia and Ukraine - The post-socialist political systems of Russia and Ukraine - democratic, authoritarian, hybrid?
130189 PS Area and Cultural Studies in Russia: - The poet in the portrait - contact between artists and writers in Eastern Europe
130269 PS Area and Cultural Studies in Russia: 100 years of avant-garde: - music, architectur and painting in revolutionary Russia
130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
130005 UE [cs de] language acquisition czech II (advanced level) - Current Czech Republic from the perspective of the periodical press - Working with texts
130142 UE [de pl] languages acquisition polish II (advanced level) - Writing skills
130151 UE [de hbs] language acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II (advanced level) - Technical language of Slavic Studies: reading
130152 UE [de sl] Language Acquisition Slovenian II (advanced level) - German - Slovenian contrastive
130153 UE Language Acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I (advanced level) - Vocabulary, idioms and phraseology
130154 UE [de ru] language acquisition Russian II (advanced level) - Cultural Studies and Literature
130156 UE [bg de] Language Acquisition Bulgarian II (advanced level) - Technical language and text production
130232 UE [de sk] language acquisition slovak II (advanced level) - Slovak grammar and lexis contextualized
130250 UE [de ru] language acquisition russian II (advanced level) - Translation exercises German - Russian / Russian-German
130253 UE [de ru] Language Acquisition Russian II (advanced level) - Writing skills
130265 UE [de uk] Language Acquisition Ukrain (advanced level) - Deepening of professional competence (writing)
130272 UE [de ru] Language Acquisition Russian I (advanced level) - Everyday language
130279 UE [de hbs] Language Acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II (advanced level) - Editing and translation of literary and technical texts
130016 UE Czech as second Slavic Language - Fortsetzungkurs
130226 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs B
130309 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs A
130004 KO [de ru] F.M. Dostojewskij and his novel "The youth" - (Lektüre und Interpretation)
130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
130210 UE [uk] Basics of Belorussian
130079 VO Literature: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian literature - the narrative Bosnia 1878 - 1941
130149 VO Czech Literature - The passive subject in the Czech literature - from the martyr to the dissidents
130172 SE BA-Literature Seminar for South Slavonic Studies - Die Vaterlosigkeit in der südslawischen Gegenwartsprosa
130185 SE BA-SE literature (Slovene) - Short Prose of the present
130282 VO Russian Literature - Russian satirical literature in the 20th Century
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130079 VO Literature: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian literature - the narrative Bosnia 1878 - 1941
130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
130092 UE [de pl] Proficient use of Polish
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130187 SE Russian Literature - Literature and Art in the Silver Age
130282 VO Russian Literature - Russian satirical literature in the 20th Century
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130162 SE Conception of language and personality of the Russian Karaulov cognitivist school - Russische und Südslawistische Sprachwissenschaft
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
130184 SE SE for the area and cultural studies of Slovenia - Slovenian Art since 1945
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130149 VO Czech Literature - The passive subject in the Czech literature - from the martyr to the dissidents
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
130106 UE Didactic exercises Slovenian: - Didactic implementation neurological basis of learning: an introduction
130305 UE Didactic exercises Czech: - Applied teaching-oriented didactics in Czech
130226 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs B
130309 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs A
130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36