B. Master Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Group of Required Modules I: Basics and Introductions
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
Module I: Basics
Module II: Introductory Seminars
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
2. Group of Required Modules II: In-Depth Studies
Module III: Literary Studies
Module IV: Linguistics
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
3. Group of Required Modules III: Final Stage
Module VII: Graduate College
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36