Universität Wien


Mitteilungsblatt der Universität Wien: 35. Stück - Ausgegeben am 24.06.2008 - Nr. 297-307:
§ 2 Dauer und Umfang: Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Bachelorstudium Meteorologie beträgt 180 ECTS-Punkte. Das entspricht einer vorgesehenen Studiendauer von 6 Semestern.
§ 3 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Über die im Universitätsgesetz 2002 formulierten Zulassungsvoraussetzungen hinaus gibt es keine weiteren.
§ 4 Akademischer Grad: Absolventinnen bzw. Absolventen des Bachelorstudiums Meteorologie ist der akademische Grad "Bachelor of Science" - abgekürzt "BSc" - zu verleihen. Dieser akademische Grad ist hinter dem Namen zu führen.
§ 5 Aufbau - Module mit ECTS-Punktezuweisung: (1) Das Bachelorstudium Meteorologie umfasst 180 ECTS.

Das Bachelorstudium Meteorologie enthält eine Studieneingangsphase (STEP) mit
Lehrinhalten, die die Fachrichtung besonders kennzeichnen und untenstehende Pflichtmodule.


Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (PM-Met-1) (BA01) STEP

PM-Met-1: Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology I (BA01) STEP (NPI)

PM-Met-1: Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology II (BA01) STEP (NPI)

PM-Met-1: Exercise course in Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology I

PM-Met-1: Exercise course in Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology

Mathematics 1 (PM-Math-1) (BA02) STEP

PM-Math-1: Analysis for Physicists I STEP (NPI)

PM-Math-1: Problem sessions to Analysis for Physicists (BA 02) STEP (PI)

PM-Math-1: Linear Algebra for Physicists I (BA 02) STEP (NPI)


PM-Math-1: Introduction to mathematics for physicists I - with practical exercises (BA 02) STEP (PI)

Introduction to Physics 1 (PM-Ph-1) (BA03) STEP

PM-Ph-1: Introduction to physics 1 (BA 03) STEP (NPI)

PM-Ph-1: Exercise course in introductory physics 1 (BA 03) STEP (PI)

Compulsory module (BA)

Programming in Meteorology (PM-Prog) (BA04)

PM-Prog: Programming in Meteorology (BA04) (NPI)

PM-Prog: Exercise course in Programming in Meteorology (BA 04) (PI)

Statistical Methods of Meteorology (PM-Stat) (BA05)

PM-Stat: Statistical Methods of Meteorology (BA05) (NPI)

PM-Stat: Exercise course in Statistical Methods of Meteorology (BA 05) (PI)

PM-Math-2: Analysis für PhysikerInnen II (BA 06) (NPI)

PM-Math-2: Analysis for Physicists II (BA 06) (NPI)

PM-Math-2: Problem session to Analysis for Physicists II (BA 06) (PI)

Introduction to Physics 2 (PM-Ph-2) (BA07)

PM-Ph-2: Introduction to Physics II (BA07) (NPI)

PM-Ph-2: Practical exercises for Introductory Physics II (BA 07) (PI)

General Meteorology (PM-Met-2) (BA08)

PM-Met-2: Übungen zu Allgemeine Meteorologie I (BA08) (PI)

PM-Met-2: General Meteorology II (BA 08) (NPI)

PM-Met-2: Exercise course in General Meteorology I (BA 08) (PI)

PM-Met-2: Exercise course in General Meteorology II (BA 08) (PI)

Theoretical Meteorology 1(PM-Met-3) (BA 09)

PM-Met-3: Theoretical Meteorology I (BA 09) (NPI)

PM-Met-3: Exercise course in Theoretical Meteorology I (BA 09) (PI)

Mathematics 3 (PM-Math-3) (BA 10)

PM-Math-3: Mathematics III (BA 10) (NPI)

PM-Math-3: Mathematics III (BA 10) (NPI)

Basic lab in Meteorology (PM-Prakt) (BA 11)

PM-Prakt: Basic lab in Meteorology I (BA 11) (PI)

PM-Prakt: Basic lab in Meteorology II (BA 11) (PI)

Theoretical Meteorology 2 (PM-Met-4) (BA 12)

PM-Met-4: Theoretical Meteorology II (BA 12) (NPI)

PM-Met-4: Exercise course in Theoretical Meteorology II (BA 12) (PI)

Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology 1 (PM-Met-5) (BA 13)

PM-Met-5: Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I (BA 13) (NPI)

PM-Met-5: Exercise course in Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I (BA 13) (PI)

Mathematical methods in Meteorology (PM-Math-4) (BA 14)

PM-Math-4: Mathematical methods in Meteorology (BA 14) (NPI)

PM-Math-4: Exercise course in Mathematical methods in Meteorology (BA 14) (PI)

Micrometeorology (PM-Met-6) (BA 15)

PM-Met-6: Micrometeorology (BA 15) (NPI)

PM-Met-6: Exercise course in Micrometeorology (BA 15) (PI)

Experimental Meteorology (PM-Met-7) (BA 16)

PM-Met-7: Meteorological Instruments (BA 16) (NPI)

PM-Met-7: Exercise course in Meteorological Instruments (BA 16) (PI)

PM-Met-7: Field exercises I (BA 16) (PI)

PM-Met-7 Field exercises II (BA 16) (PI)

Wettervorhersage (PM-Met-8) (BA 17)

PM-Met-8: Weather Discussion I (advective processes) (BA 17) (PI)

PM-Met-8: Weather Discussion II (convective processes) (BA 17) (PI)

PM-Met-8: Interpretation of forecast model output (BA 17) (PI)

PM-Met-8: Verification (BA 17) (PI)

Theoretical Meteorology 3 (PM-Met-9) (BA 18)

PM-Met-9: Theoretical Meteorology III (BA 18) (NPI)

PM-Met-9: Exercise course in Theoretical Meteorology III (BA 18) (PI)

Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology 2 (PM-Met-10) (BA 19)

PM-Met-10: Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology II (BA 19) (NPI)

PM-Met-10: Exercise course in Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology II (BA 19) (PI)

Remote sensing (PM-Met-11) (BA 20)

PM-Met-11: Introduction in Remote sensing (BA 20) (NPI)

PM-Met-11: Exercise course in Introduction to Remote Sensing (BA 20) (PI)

Climate (PM-Kl) (BA 21)

PM-Kl: Regional Climatology (BA 21) (PI)

PM-Kl: Applied Climatology (BA 21) (NPI)

PM-Kl: Climate Models (BA 21) (NPI)

PM-Kl: Exercise course in Climate Models (BA 21) (PI)

PM-Kl: Exercise course in Climate Models (BA 21) (PI)

Professional practical training and Bachelor thesis (PM-Bach) (BA 22)

PM-Bach: Bachelor thesis (BA 22) (PI)

PM-Bach: Bachelor seminar (BA 22) (PI)

PM-Bach: Professional practical training (BA 22) (PI)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36