19.02. Teacher Training Programme
A. Curriculum 2000
Introductory Phase
- 190013 VO STEOP: Introduction into Theory of Teacher Education
- 190014 VO STEOP: Introduction into Theory of Teacher Education
A. Curriculum 2000
1. Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation
Introductory Phase
1.1. § Introductory Lecture (VO 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190190 VO Introductory Phase - Introductory Lecture
- 190191 VO Introductory Phase - Introductory Lecture
1.2. § Introductory Seminar (PS 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190017 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190023 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190024 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190031 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190041 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190053 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190090 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190096 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190099 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190172 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190173 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190174 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190202 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190203 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190282 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190283 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190308 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190309 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190313 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190357 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190376 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190400 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190673 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190758 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 190864 PS [ en ] Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.3. § Educational Theory and Social Criticism (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190016 VO Educational Theory and Social Criticism - Education and politics
1.4. § School Theory (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190192 VO School Theory
- 190194 VO School Theory
- 190664 VO School Theory - School and Teacher Practice as Field of Social Reproduction. A Sociological View
1.5. § Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190007 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190052 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 190109 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - The childs development in school
- 190661 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Heranwachsen in der Schule
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. § Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190015 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning
- 190025 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - What is good practice in school?
- 190033 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Differentiation and individualisation
- 190057 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning Reflexion in Theory and Practice
- 190124 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Digital learning: gender theory & managing diversity
- 190125 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Managing Gender and Diversity in Schools
- 190128 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning Types & Teaching Styles and Their Practical Implications
- 190181 VO Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning
- 190182 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - eine Einführung
- 190183 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - eine Einführung
- 190197 SE Didactical Principles of Civic Education
- 190198 SE Knowledge in Civic Education
- 190211 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Human rights education
- 190212 SE Creating Learning Opportunities for Civic Education: Methods, Media, Environments
- 190213 SE Tutors‘ training in educational science based reflexion on teaching practice
- 190217 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Blended-Learning in Secondary Education
- 190254 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - How to promote self-directed learning
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190348 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Besser Lernen mit alten, neuen und digitalen Medien? Mediendidaktische Konzepte in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Kritische Analyse und praktische Erprobung.
- 190369 SE Practice reflect learning
- 190396 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
- 190671 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - FREE ADMIT? Learning processes in the museum.
2.2. § Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190058 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The role of the teacher in film
- 190075 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Pedagogical topics within music education
- 190080 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnostic, learning disability and intellectual giftedness
- 190083 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Problems of young teachers
- 190102 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - How to identify and assist/challenge highly gifted learners
- 190123 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Contributions of Clinical psychology. Conflicts, crisis, trauma.
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190147 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Memory Work about learning experiences at school
- 190186 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Grundformen und Anwendungsfälle im Kontext von Schule und Unterricht
- 190188 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The good the bad and the professionals?
- 190213 SE Tutors‘ training in educational science based reflexion on teaching practice
- 190241 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Gender, sexuality and background in education and consulting
- 190243 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Pädagogische Bewertung
- 190257 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Communication with pupils, parents and colleagues
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190315 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Teaching nowadays.
- 190317 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Main area: group dynamics
- 190321 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 190335 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of adolescent
- 190369 SE Practice reflect learning
- 190659 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
2.3. § Theory and practical experience of school development (SE 2 SST) (5 CP)
- 190027 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - GENDER IN SCHOOLS - Analysis of the category 'Gender' in schools and attempts towards its implementation
- 190034 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School development in and from practice
- 190061 SE Equity in Education
- 190103 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Challenges of school development from the perspective of practice
- 190121 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - A school is not an island
- 190122 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - (for teacher training students)
- 190129 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 190133 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Cooperative evaluation and development of quality in school by teachers. Practising the model of perception- and value-orientated schooldevelopment
- 190140 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 190184 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - eine Einführung
- 190199 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung
- 190201 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung
- 190397 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - diversiy in school developement
- 190656 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Knowledge!? When, how, where and why is knowledge be generated?
- 190863 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
2.4. § Elective Course (2 SST) (3 CP)
Practical School Training
3.1. Pedagogy practicum (2 SST) (5 CP)
- 190028 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190032 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190042 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190044 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190071 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190209 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190210 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190228 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190242 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190300 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190319 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190358 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190359 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190374 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190413 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190665 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190666 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
- 190681 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum - and Reflection and learning in Action
- 190877 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
3.2. Supervision of the Pedagogy Practicum (1 SST) (1 CP)
3.3. Subject Specific Practicum (3 SST) (5 CP)
3.4. Supervision of the Subject Specific Practicum(1 SST) (1 CP)
Project Studies: Model Curriculum "Professionalized Pedagogical Acting"
- 190035 SE MC Modul 4b: Media - Education and "New Media"
- 190055 SE MC Modul 4a: Case Analysis - The Pedagogical Relationship: Teaching and Educating as an Interpersonal Process
- 190066 SE MC Modul 3a: Matters of Educational Policy - Matters of Educational Policy. Inquiry into a present-day Topics of Austrian Education Politics.
- 190067 SE MC Modul 3b: Creative Academic Writing - Scientific Writing
- 190068 SE MC Modul 2a: Practice Research for Teacher Trainees - Action research in teaching professional
- 190070 SE MC Modul 2b: Project Management - Management and organsisation skills for research on school
B. Support Teacher Training
- 190038 SE Support Teacher Training
- 190056 SE Support Teacher Training - Reflectinig the daily routine of teachers
- 190136 SE Support Teacher Training NÖ
- 190137 SE Support Teacher Training NÖ
- 190161 SE Support Teacher Training NÖ - Teacher competence
- 190294 SE Support Teacher Training
- 190380 SE Support Teacher Training NÖ - Teacher competence
- 190381 SE Support Teacher Training NÖ - Mentoring: education, counseling, guiding
C. MA in Islamic Religious Pedagogy
Compulsory Modules
a) Islamic Sciences
Modul 1: Qur'ran, the Prophet's actions and way of thinking (SE / VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
The Prophet's actions and way of thinking
- 190142 SE Modul 1: The Our¿an-didactics - God spoke to mankind - Quran as a living communication with God
Modul 2: Religious doctrine and Islam in every day life (SE/VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
Religious doctrine
Islam in every day life
Modul 3: Ethics and mysticism in Islam (VO/SE/KV 4 SST) (5 CP)
- 190143 SE M3: Islamic spirituality - Ethische Theorien im Islam
- 190144 SE M3: Islamic mysticism
Modul 4: Islamic teaching methodology (SE 4 SST) (8 CP)
b) Human Sciences
Modul 5: Religious Science and Philosophical Studies (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Philosophical Studies
- 190130 VO M5: Introduction in the philosophical Thinking - Basic questions of islamic Philosophy
Religious Science
Modul 6: Sociology of Religion and Psychology of Religion (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Psychology of Religion
- 190082 VO+UE M6: Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
Sociology of Religion
Modul 7: European cultural history and intercultural research (VO/SE/UE 4 SST) (10 CP)
European cultural history
Intercultural research
- 190138 SE M7: Dimensions of intercultural education:Research in an Intercultural Context
- 190240 SE M7: Practice Research in the Context of a School Development Project - at an International Islamic Private School
c) Education in the Science of didactic Pedagogy
Modul 8: Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy
Theory and pracitical experience of school development (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190122 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - (for teacher training students)
- 190129 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 190140 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 190397 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - diversiy in school developement
- 190656 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Knowledge!? When, how, where and why is knowledge be generated?
- 190863 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190075 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Pedagogical topics within music education
- 190123 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Contributions of Clinical psychology. Conflicts, crisis, trauma.
- 190315 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Teaching nowadays.
- 190317 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Main area: group dynamics
- 190321 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 190335 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of adolescent
- 190659 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)'
- 190025 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - What is good practice in school?
- 190124 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Digital learning: gender theory & managing diversity
- 190128 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning Types & Teaching Styles and Their Practical Implications
- 190217 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Blended-Learning in Secondary Education
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190396 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
- 190671 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - FREE ADMIT? Learning processes in the museum.
Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190145 SE M 8: Islamic Religious pedagogy - Kultur und Politik der modernen islamischen Erziehung
Modul 9: Subject Specific Practicum (UE 3 SST) (5 CP)
Choice of compulsory modules
Modul I: Communal pedagogy (SE/VO 8 SST) (14 CP)
- 190148 SE AM I: Community Management
Christian theologies
Community management and organisational development
Interreligious dialogue
- 190149 SE AM I: Interreligious Dialog - From Confrontation to Dialogue. Introduction to the Muslim-Christian Encounter
Modul II: Social pedagogy (SE/VO/UE 8 SST) (14 CP)
Foundations and methods of Counselling
- 190311 SE AM II: Social pedagogy - Basics of Social Pedagogy
Foundations and methods of Social pedagogy
Communication and Rhetorics
Master Thesis with accompanying seminar (30 CP)
- 190139 SE Colloquium for Master Students - Methods of scientific practice
- 190141 SE Colloquium for Master Students - Interreligious Education
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
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