5.08. Old Computer Science Degree Programmes
Studienpläne und Informationen zu den Studien siehe http://informatik.univie.ac.at/studierende/der-weg-durchs-studium/auslaufende-studien/Persönliche Anmeldung: Für die Teilnahme an den prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen der Studienprogrammleitung 5 ist eine online-Anmeldung im Anmeldesystem ISWI unbedingt erforderlich. Informationen zur Anmeldung und zu den Fristen siehe http://informatik.univie.ac.at/anmeldungZusätzlich zur online-Anmeldung ist die persönliche Anwesenheit in der Vorbesprechung bzw. ersten Einheit der Lehrveranstaltungen unbedingt erforderlich! Bei Verhinderung ist die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung rechtzeitig (d.h. vor der Lehrveranstaltung) zu informieren, andernfalls kann der Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung an andere Studierende vergeben werden.Informationen betreffend die Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen (das sind jene, deren Nummer nicht mit 05 beginnt) finden sich im jeweiligen Kapitel bzw. bei der jeweiligen Lehrveranstaltung.
B. Bachelor Degree Programme Computer Science Management
1. Theoretical and Mathematical Basics of Computer Science
- 050047 VO Basic Techniques in Mathematics
- 050064 UE Basic Techniques in Mathematics
2. Technical Basics of Computer Science
- 050041 VO Technical Basics and System Software
- 050042 UE Technical Basics and System Software
- 050094 PR Laboratory for Basics of Computer Science - .
- 050102 UE Problem Session: Introduction to Unix System Administration 1
- 050123 VO Unix System Administration 1
3. Practical Computer Science
- 050022 PR Introduction to Programming - Practical Training in C++
- 050030 VO Database Systems
- 050175 VO Introduction to Programming - Optional Subject
4. Applied Computer Science and Social Implications
- 050095 PR Application Software
- 050125 VU Security
- 050140 VU Seminar with Bachelor Thesis
Soft Skills and Gender Studies
- 050055 VU Computer Science and Society
5. Pedagogics, Didactics and Communication
- 050018 VU Presentation Skills
- 050056 VU Project Management
- 050146 VU Communication
- 050171 VU Project Management in Schools
6. In-Depth Studies
7. Additional Courses
D. Master Degree Programmes (931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939)
1. Courses for all Master Degree Programmes
2. Master Degree Programme Computational Intelligence (931)
3. Master Degree Programme Computer Graphics & Digital Image Processing (932)
4. Master Degree Programme Information & Knowledge Management (933)
5. Master Degree Programme Intelligent Systems (934)
6. Master Degree Programme Media Informatics (935)
7. Master Degree Programme Medical Informatics (936)
8. Master Degree Programme Software Engineering & Internet Computing (937)
9. Master Degree Programme Technical Informatics (938)
10. Master Degree Programme Industrial Engineering - Computer Science (939)
E. Master Degree Programme Computer Science Management
1. Didactics of Computer Science
1. Didactics of Computer Science
1. Didactics of Computer Science
- 050016 VU Computersupported Teaching and Learning Organisation
- 050019 VU Core Issues of Specialised Didactics in Computer Science
- 050054 VU Planning for Computer Science education lessons - (gilt als Interdisziplinäre Unterrichtsplanung)
- 050071 PR Laboratory for Specialized Didactics
- 050128 PR Interdisciplinary Didactics Laboratory
2. Operational Information Systems
- 050031 UE Database Systems
- 050033 VO IS Infrastructure
- 050079 VU Enterprise IS
- 050159 VO IS Technology
- 050189 UE IS Technology
3. e-Business and e-Government
- 050199 VU E-Business
- 050200 PR E-Business
4. Logistics
5. Multimedia
- 050118 VO Multimedia Systems 1
- 050119 UE Multimedia Systems 1
- 050120 VO Multimedia Retrieval
6. Networks
- 050208 VU Network Performance Evaluation
7. Software Engineering
- 050131 VO Advanced Software Engineering
- 050132 UE Advanced Software Engineering
8. Process Control and Simulation
9. Economy and Law
- 050084 VO Financial Management
- 050085 PR Financial Management
- 050086 VU Quantitative Business Administration
- 050193 VO Introduction into Business Administration
- 050194 UE Introduction into Business Administration
- 050197 VU Organisations of Enterprises
- 050198 VU IT Organisation
F. Master Degree Programme - Curriculum 2001 (066 926)
1. Business Informatics (WI)
- 050160 VU Business Process Management
- 050161 VU Workflow Technologies
- 050199 VU E-Business
- 050200 PR E-Business
2. Economic Sciences (WW)
- 040601 EK RdW: Introduction to Tax Law
- 040602 FK RdW: Determination of Income Tax Base
- 050086 VU Quantitative Business Administration
3. Information Processing (IT)
- 050131 VO Advanced Software Engineering
- 050132 UE Advanced Software Engineering
4. Structural Sciences (SW)
- 050070 VU System Dynamics and Modeling
- 050151 VU Data Analytical Methods
- 050152 VU Computational Techniques
5. Core Subject Combinations (KFK)
5.1. Multimedia Systems (KFK MM)
5.2. Organisation (KFK ORG)
5.3. Production Management (KFK PRM)
5.4. Knowledge Engineering (KFK KE)
- 050201 VU Evolution
5.5. Distributed Systems (KFK VS)
- 050208 VU Network Performance Evaluation
5.6. ICT-Project Managment and Organisation Development (KFK ICT)
- 050160 VU Business Process Management
- 050161 VU Workflow Technologies
- 050199 VU E-Business
- 050200 PR E-Business
5.7. Grid Computing (KFK GC)
- 050215 PR Scientific Computing Lab
5.8. Innovation and Technology Management (KFK ITM)
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040084 UK KFK WINF: E-Business - Technologien und Anwendungen
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical ITM
- 040339 PR KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040574 PR KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040737 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics
6. Additional Courses
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36