T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140335 VO Social Protection and Gender
- 140201 SE The State in Latin America
- 140333 SE Trade Companies as Global Actors
- 140338 SE T II - Change and upheaval in the Arab World
- 140534 SE Issues of global uneven development
- 070205 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1
- 290167 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends - Teil I
- 290010 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 070451 VO Theories and Methods of Global History
- 070342 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
- 140072 VO Africa and the Rest: Trade, Migration, and Identity, ca. 14th to 19th Centuries
- 140353 VO West and Equatorial Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 070455 VO Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070166 VO [ en ] Theories and Methods of Global History - In/Security Discourses and Practises in Global Politics
- 070313 VO [ en ] Introduction into Global Economic History
- 140218 VO History of Central Africa 1
- 070193 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2
- 140060 KU Democratization of Democracy in Africa
- 070201 PS Proseminar - Agrarverhältnisse vom Neolithikum bis zur Globalisierung
- 070070 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discursos de civilización y barbarie en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX
- 070151 SE [ en ] Commodity Chains and Global Labour History - Interactions and Entanglements
- 070280 VO Global History of Food
- 070305 VO [ en ] Republican China (1911 - 1949)
- 150089 VO+UE [ en ] VU Regional Integration in East Asia
- 150218 PS MA PS: 228 and Taiwan’s history in the 20th century
- 070281 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - 'Global Food History'
- 070331 PK Project Course Global History
- 140090 SE Between Racism and Civilizing Mission: African (Scientific) Colonial Literature
- 070397 SE [ en ] Seminar - Britain and the British in India - India and the Indians in Britain: Cultural, Social, Political and Military Encounters
- 070431 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070445 FS [ en ] Research Seminar: Insular Studies
- 070279 FS Research Module Global Studies - Globalgeschichte der Ernährung
- 070466 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Soziale Rahmen der öffentlichen Vergegenwärtigung von Vergangenheit in globaler Perspektive
- 070547 SE Empires in World-History - universal institutions or limited to periods?
- 140073 SE Nationalism in Africa
- 140074 SE Contemporary African History: Civil Society and Transition
- 150079 SE SE Famine in Maoist China and the Soviet Union
- 150085 SE SE The Chinese Democracy Movement 1978-1981 in contemporary accounts and documents
- 240072 SE P4 Thematic Fields of Research 1 SE
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36