1. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 060032 UE STEOP: UE Introduction to the methods of prehistoric archaeology
- 060035 VO STEOP: VO Aerial archaeology - basics
- 060036 VO STEOP: Principles of geophysical prospecting
- 060042 VO The Neolithic in Europe
- 060046 BU Find Analysis: Neolithic Age
- 060051 VO Introduction do Modern Archaeology
- 060055 BU Exercise course of modern small finds
- 060056 EX Excursion to early-modern-period sites in Austria
- 060057 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060072 EX Excursion to migration-period sites in Austria
- 060109 PS PS: Neolithic Period
- 060110 VO Museology
- 060112 EX Excursion to archaeological sites of the Iron age and migration period in the east. part of Austria
- 060113 PS PS Modern Archaeology
- 060114 VU Geophysical Prospecting
- 060117 VO Stratigraphy and Archaeology
- 060119 VU Archaeological Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
- 060120 UE GIS-Applications in Archaeology
Last modified: Tu 23.10.2018 01:52