Universität Wien

28.04. Meteorology BACHELOR & MASTER

Verpflichtende elektronische Erstanmeldung Online für Bachelor-, Master-, Lehramts- und Diplomstudien an der Universität Wien.
Bis 31. August 2011 müssen sich InteressentInnen für das gewünschte Studium online anmelden. Erst im Anschluss ist die persönliche Zulassung vor Ort möglich:


1. STEOP - Compulsory Introduction phase

PM-Met-1 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology 1 (STEOP)

PM-Ph-1 Introduction to Physics I (STEOP)

2. Compulsory Module

PM-Math-1 Mathematics 1

PM-Math-1 Mathematik für Naturwissenschaften 1 (NPI)
PM-Math-1 Mathematik für Naturwissenschaften 1 (PI)

PM-Math-2 Mathematics 2

PM-Math-2 Mathematik für Naturwissenschaften 2 (NPI)
PM-Math-2 Mathematik für Naturwissenschaften 2 (PI)

PM-Met-2 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology 2

PM-Met-2 Einführung in Meteorologie und Klimatologie 2 (NPI)

PM-Prog Programming in Meteorology

PM-Math-3 Mathematics 3

PM-Ph-2 Introduction to Physics 2

PM-Met-3 Atmospheric Radiation and Chemistry of the Atmosphere

PM-Met-4 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere

PM-Stat Statistical Methods of Meteorology

PM-Math-4 Mathematics 4

PM-Prakt Basic Lab in Meteorology

PM-Met-5 Hydrometeorology, atm. Electricity and Optics

PM-Met-6 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 1

PM-Met-7 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 1

PM-Met-8 Climate

PM-Met-9 Experimental Meteorology

PM-Met-10 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 2

PM-Met-11 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2

PM-Met-12 Weather Analysis and Forecasting

PM-Met-13 Remote Sensing

PM-BPrak Professional Practical Training

PM-Bach Bachelor Thesis

PM-Nawi Related Natural Sciences



PM-MiMet Micrometeorology

PM-MDyn Mesoscale Dynamics

PM-Num Numerical Modeling

PM-WV Weather Analysis and Forecasting

PM-Mess Meteorological Observational Methods

PM-Kl1 Climate 1

PM-Kl2 Climate 2

PM-Alpin Alpine Meteorology

PM-Exkur Meteorological-Climatological Excursion

PM-Master Master Module

PM-MetNawi Special Topics of Meteorology and Related Natural Sciences

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36