4. Sub- and Bridge Disciplines
4.1. Missiology and Theology of Religion
- 010119 VO Being church in mission. An introduction to the theology of mission
- 010126 SE Islamic Theology
4.2. Political Dimensions of Religions
- 010124 VO [ en ] Religion in the United States of America
- 140060 VO History, Politics and Islam (special themes)
- 140182 KU Politics and Religion in Southern Africa
- 140343 SE Ritual and Politics in Nepal
4.3. Didactics of Religions
- 010107 BA Seminar FK3/D31/BAM
4.4. Aesthetics of Religions
- 140147 VO Aesthetics and Religion - An Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective on Arts and Poetics in East and West
4.5. Anthropology of Religion
- 240159 VO Material culture in spiritual context (3.3.6)
- 240218 SE On the Effectiveness/Evidence of Healing Rituals in Shamanic Contexts (P4)
4.6. Philosophy of Religion
- 010076 FS Time and God. Plotin, Heidegger
- 020006 SE The Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling - Spinoza
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
4.7. Psychology of Religion
- 010068 SE Methoden (Religionspsychologie): Transpersonale Psychologie
- 010132 SE [ en ] The role of religion in the acculturation of migrants: Psychological perspectives.
4.8. Law of Religions
- 010047 VO The Constitution of the Catholic Oriental Churches
- 010061 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law 1: Theologic Foundation of Canon Law
- 010063 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law 2 - Sources of Canon Law and General Norms
- 010106 DS Movimenti nella Chiesa, communita spirituali e istituti religiosi
- 020027 SE Church Law Seminar - Kirchenrecht zwischen Theologie und Jurisprudenz. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs
- 030090 SE The presence of Religion in public space - für diploma and doctoral students
- 030112 SE Law of the Christian East - Freedom of Religion in Middle East (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030344 SE Islam and Human Rights - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030357 SE European Law and Jewish Issues - the Jews as minoritiy in European Legal history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030358 SE Legal development of the marriage law since Joseph II - for graduate and undergraduate students
- 030416 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Revolutions and Woman´s Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030442 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030589 KU The Right to Freedom between Tradition and Modernity as explained in Jewish Sources
4.9. Sociology of Religion
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:51