Universität Wien

Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

E. Master Degree Programme Business Administration (A 066 915): Curriculum 2002

Für Lehrveranstaltungen, die nach den Studienplänen 2001 bzw. 2002 (alte Studienpläne) nicht mehr angeboten werden können, gibt es eine entsprechende Äquivalenzverordnung, erschienen im [ http://www.univie.ac.at/mtbl02/02_pdf/20061113.pdf Mitteilungsblatt ]der Universität Wien

1. Specialization in Management

1.1. Specializations

1.1.1. Marketing

1.1.2. International Management

1.1.3. Investment Analysis

1.1.4. Corporate Finance

1.1.5. Banking

1.1.6. Business Informatics

1.1.7. Production Management

1.1.8. Logistics Management

1.1.9. Industrial Management

1.1.10. Energy- and/or Environmental Management

1.1.11. External Accounting

1.1.12. Internal Accounting

1.1.13. Operations Research

1.1.14. Innovations and Technology Management

1.1.15. Financial Engineering

1.1.16. Business Administration of Financial Services Industries

1.1.17. Public Utility Management

1.1.18. Organization

1.1.19. International Marketing

1.1.20. Revision, Tax and Escrow

1.1.21. Controlling

1.1.22. Electronic Business

1.2. Strategy and Business Plan

1.3. Project Management

1.4. Elective Course

2. Specialization in E-Economy

2.1. Basics of E-Business

2.2. E-Business: Project Management

2.3. Knowledge Management

2.4. E-Marketing

2.5. Venture Capital Finance and Corporate Governance

2.6. Network Economics

2.7. Elective Course

3. Specialization in Commercial Law

3.1. Law Modules

3.2. Economic Science Modules

4. Additional Courses

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37