5. Basic Course Subject Didactics
- 070054 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070096 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Die moderne europäische Großstadt im gesellschaftlichen Wandel (vom 19. Jh. bis zur Gegenwart)
- 070134 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070135 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - (with Supervision by Pedagogical Experts)
- 070136 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Images of the Balkans in Austria
- 070412 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Gedächtnisorte in Wien
- 070436 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - (with Supervision by Pedagogical Experts)
- 070441 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Museen als Orte des historischen und politischen Lernens
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 02:00