Universität Wien

C. Additional teaching

280210 EX+VO Limnogeology
280212 SE+EX [de en] Geological aspects of nuclear risk - U-Mining - siting - final disposals
280213 VO Radioactive Waste Management - Its perception and accentance II
280217 VO Provision of Energy and Risks II - Kosten und Umwelt
450004 VO [en] Topics in Mineralogiy and Crystallography, IV - Geochenistry and lunimescence of accessory minerals
450005 VO+UE [en] Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Geologic interpretation of deformed belts and sedimentary basins
450007 VO [de en] Topics in lithospheric research, IV - Analysig deformation of geological Materials, I
450009 VO+UE [de en] Diffusion in Geomaterials
450010 VO [en] Trends in Palaeontological Research, IV - Microwear analysis on mamalian teeth

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37