Universität Wien

18.01. Philosophy

NEU! Interdisziplinäres Masterstudium: History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)

180016 LPS Readings in philosophy and logic. Rudolf Carnap: The Logical Structure of the World - Rudolf Carnap: Der logische Aufbau der Welt
180083 LPS Reading David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
180016 LPS Readings in philosophy and logic. Rudolf Carnap: The Logical Structure of the World - Rudolf Carnap: Der logische Aufbau der Welt
180033 VO-L Ethics
180073 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
180083 LPS Reading David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
180084 VO-GKL Basic Logic
180091 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
180019 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - Rekonstruktion der Grundmomente der antiken Philosophie
180021 VO-L Austrian Philosophy in the 19th Century - Romanticism, Philosophy of Science, philosophical Secessionism
180142 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
180159 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Probleme der Epistemologie in Philosophie des Mittelalters: Ibn Ruschd und der lateinische Averroismus
180024 PS Philosophical Theories of Space - Aristotle - Kant - Nancy
180025 SE Metaphysics and Ontology - Wahrheitsproblem
180026 SE Knowledge and Trust - Social Knowledge Production in Science and Society
180089 PS Sartre: Beiing an Nothingness - Sartre's existential psychoanalysis and the problem of Freud
180092 VO-L Being and thinking - Ontologische Dimensionen der Philosophischen Anthropologie
180108 SE What is art? - Heidegger und Benjamin in der Diskussion
180143 VO Epistemology
180146 SE Edmund Husserl
180153 PS Causality
180029 PS [en] The Contested Morality of Public Reason - Democratic Politics and the Challenge of Religion Today
180102 SE Morality between individuality and sociability - Aristoteles, Kant und die Gegenwart
180104 SE Liberalism
180157 VO Gerechtigkeit. Ein Grundbegriff der europäischen Geistesgeschichte - Justice. A fundamental term of Europe's history of ideas
180036 SE The technical object - Examples
180037 SE Danger, care, responsibility - 4 Grundbegriffe einer Ethik der Technik (Heidegger, Stiegler, Jonas, Benjamin)
180044 VO-L TV esthetics
180173 SE Science&Fiction
180038 VO-L Philosophy in Africa - An Introduction - From Ancient Egypt to 20th Century
180040 VO-L Comparative philosophy of present - The Relation of the Transcendentality and Empiry by Nishida and Reininger
180041 SE Philosophy in Latin America (Brasilien, Venezuela, Kolumbien) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European
180045 VO [en] Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition, and the Brain-Mind-Problem
180046 SE Consciousness and Intentionality - Basic Problems in Philosophy of Mind
180109 SE Reference
180110 SE [de en] Lewis Carroll - Games of Grammar and Logic
010038 DS Michel Foucault - Practices of Self-Formation (techniques de soi) in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Christianity with respect to their significance for the modern age
140483 PS [en] Concepts of the Human Being in Early Ayurveda - Birth, Identity and Liberation
180108 SE What is art? - Heidegger und Benjamin in der Diskussion
180002 VO Aesthetics of Film - Film Philosophy - (Benjamin, Cavell, Deleuze)
180045 VO [en] Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition, and the Brain-Mind-Problem
180046 SE Consciousness and Intentionality - Basic Problems in Philosophy of Mind
180049 VO-L Freedom of Doing - Justifications for and Objections against Basic Income
180050 SE Invocation - Gender and the Constitution of the Subject
180051 SE Space and Time of Bodies - Feminist Perceptions of Thinking Time and Space
180057 SE Theory confirmation - Why and in which way do scientists trust their theories?
180109 SE Reference
180110 SE [de en] Lewis Carroll - Games of Grammar and Logic
180132 VO Circle Lectures
180166 SE [en] Formal Epistemology
180048 VO-L Ecological Ethics - Reflections on Rational Creation of the Environment
180049 VO-L Freedom of Doing - Justifications for and Objections against Basic Income
180160 SE Meat is Murder? - Zu den moralphilosophischen Grundlagen der Tierethik und des Tierschutzes
180174 SE Philosophical and ethical reflections on brean death and organizations - Philosophisch-ethisch Reflexionen zu Hirntod und Organtransplantation
180023 SE Antonio Gramsci
180049 VO-L Freedom of Doing - Justifications for and Objections against Basic Income
180050 SE Invocation - Gender and the Constitution of the Subject
180051 SE Space and Time of Bodies - Feminist Perceptions of Thinking Time and Space
180176 VO Introduction into philosophical Gender Studies - Beauvoir, Irigaray, Butler
180058 VO-L Philosophy of Science and Psychoanalysis - Current debate and the point of view of neurobiology
260104 SE [de en] Quantum physics without formalism - Interdisciplinary seminar of quantum physics
180057 SE Theory confirmation - Why and in which way do scientists trust their theories?
180058 VO-L Philosophy of Science and Psychoanalysis - Current debate and the point of view of neurobiology
180166 SE [en] Formal Epistemology
180045 VO [en] Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition, and the Brain-Mind-Problem
180059 SE Parmenides - Parmenides' poem On nature
180109 SE Reference
180110 SE [de en] Lewis Carroll - Games of Grammar and Logic
180132 VO Circle Lectures
180148 SE [en] Group Agency
180156 SE Epistemische Logik - (MiniCurr Logik III)
180092 VO-L Being and thinking - Ontologische Dimensionen der Philosophischen Anthropologie
180166 SE [en] Formal Epistemology
180050 SE Invocation - Gender and the Constitution of the Subject
180061 VO Hegel's philosophy of right - Its relevance for the contemporary debate
180062 SE [en] Thomas Hobbes - Between Politics and Science
180109 SE Reference
180123 SE [en] Seminar Philosophy of Science 2 - Project Seminar
180132 VO Circle Lectures
180148 SE [en] Group Agency
180156 SE Epistemische Logik - (MiniCurr Logik III)
180166 SE [en] Formal Epistemology
140540 SE Paralokasiddhi - The Proof of a Further Existence according to the Carakasamhita and the Epistemology of Early Ayurveda
180110 SE [de en] Lewis Carroll - Games of Grammar and Logic
180132 VO Circle Lectures
180002 VO Aesthetics of Film - Film Philosophy - (Benjamin, Cavell, Deleuze)
180110 SE [de en] Lewis Carroll - Games of Grammar and Logic
180129 SE Dimensions of mental developement - Phylogenese - Ontogenese - Anthropogenese
180062 SE [en] Thomas Hobbes - Between Politics and Science
180163 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates - Privatissimum
180016 LPS Readings in philosophy and logic. Rudolf Carnap: The Logical Structure of the World - Rudolf Carnap: Der logische Aufbau der Welt
180084 VO-GKL Basic Logic
180091 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
180143 VO Epistemology
070223 KU Scources and Analysis for History of Science - Cultures of Knowledge since 1900
070024 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - UNIVISUALS - filmische Perspektiven auf den universitären Raum
070034 FS Research Module History of Science - The Atomic Age in the Archives of Vienna
070211 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Alte und neue Ansichten der industriellen Revolution
070223 KU Scources and Analysis for History of Science - Cultures of Knowledge since 1900
070493 VO Topics, Problems and Perspectives in the History of Science - Kulturen des Wissens seit 1900
180057 SE Theory confirmation - Why and in which way do scientists trust their theories?
180109 SE Reference
180153 PS Causality
180156 SE Epistemische Logik - (MiniCurr Logik III)
180166 SE [en] Formal Epistemology
180173 SE Science&Fiction
070083 SE Master Seminar - Historical Science Studies. Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral candidates
070184 SE Master Seminar - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
180044 VO-L TV esthetics
180033 VO-L Ethics
180049 VO-L Freedom of Doing - Justifications for and Objections against Basic Income
180033 VO-L Ethics
180040 VO-L Comparative philosophy of present - The Relation of the Transcendentality and Empiry by Nishida and Reininger
180073 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
180019 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - Rekonstruktion der Grundmomente der antiken Philosophie
180021 VO-L Austrian Philosophy in the 19th Century - Romanticism, Philosophy of Science, philosophical Secessionism
180142 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
180159 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Probleme der Epistemologie in Philosophie des Mittelalters: Ibn Ruschd und der lateinische Averroismus

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37