2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
Christian Philosophy
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
Christian Social Ethics
- 010034 VO Christian Social Ethics I
Studies of Religons
Old Testament Studies
New Testament Studies
Fundamental Theology
- 010004 VO Theodicy
Dogmatic Theology
- 010054 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010130 VO Preliminary Questions of Dogmatics
Ecumenical Theology
Moral Theology
- 010107 VO Basic Course Moral Theology I
Canon Law
- 010036 VK Basic Terms of Canon Law
Pastoral Theology
- 010019 VU Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010086 VU Specific Pastoral Theologies
Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
- 010111 VO Sacramental Celebrations
Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogy
Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training
Subject Didactics
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I: Bible didactics - Bible storytelling
- 010024 SE Subject Didactics
- 010056 SE Ethical Education
- 010097 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training - zur Übungsphase
- 010102 WE Specific Subject Didactics IV
- 010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
Practical Training in School
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37