2.01. Protestant Theology
StEOP neu - ab WiSe 2011
- 020022 VO-L STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020027 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
- 020035 VO STEOP: History of Protestant Reformation
- 020036 VO-L Sources of the History of Christianity since the Reformation
1. Philosophy
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020002 SE The Archeaology of Jesus' Death
- 020003 SE Mammon: God and Money in the Biblical World
- 020007 VO Introduction to biblical archaeology
- 020008 VO Herodes the Great and his Time
- 020009 VO History of Israel
- 020010 PS Old Testament Proseminar
- 020019 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis
- 020020 VO-L Old Testament Hermeneutics
- 020021 VO-L Old Testament Theology I
- 020038 VO-L Hebrew I
- 020039 UE Introduction to Hebrew - für Lehramtsstudierende
- 370003 PV Privatissimum - Alttestamentliches Privatissimum
3. New Testament Studies
- 020012 SE Reconciliation - a soteriological metaphor in the New Testament
- 020013 VO The Birth of the Messiah
- 020014 VO Lecture in Exegesis of New Testament II - Pastoralbriefe
- 020015 UE Exercises in Exegesis of New Testament - Ekklesiologie des Neuen Testaments
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020031 VO History of the Ancient Church (Patristics)
- 020032 VO Cultural History of Christianity
- 020033 SE Cyprian
- 020034 SE Epigraphics
- 020037 SE Church History Seminar
- 020055 UE Reading Course for Lectures
- 020056 EX Excursion
- 020058 VO From Decius to Herakleios: History and Church-History
5. Systematic Theology
- 020005 PS Methods and approaches of Systematic Theology
- 020006 VO-L History of Theology and Philosophy in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 020016 VO Dogmatics 1
- 020017 SE Main Problems of the Theology of Martin Luther
- 020054 VO Ethics II: Protestant social ethics
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020023 VO Religion and Psyche: An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 020024 SE Compulsory Optional Subject: Psychology of Religion
- 020026 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020028 SE Homiletics
- 020057 VU For theologians: everything you always wanted to know about law and politics ...
7. Religious Education
- 010108 BA Religious Education at schools in Middle Europe
- 020018 SE+PR Practical course in Religios Education
- 020040 VO Intoduction to Religious Education
- 020041 VO Religious Education III
- 020042 UE Methods and Media
8. Church Law
9. Religious Science
- 020044 VO Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions
- 020045 SE+EX NAIKAN - A Buddhist way of insight voice meditation - History, praxis and application in the penal system and in coaching.
- 020046 SE [ en ] Minorities as driving forces for the development of societies
- 020047 SE European and Oriental Christianity from an Islamic Perspective
9. Religious Science
10. Compulsory Optional Subjects
- 010128 DS Titel
- 020002 SE The Archeaology of Jesus' Death
- 020003 SE Mammon: God and Money in the Biblical World
- 020007 VO Introduction to biblical archaeology
- 020008 VO Herodes the Great and his Time
- 020024 SE Compulsory Optional Subject: Psychology of Religion
- 020030 UE hymns in present - sacred music in a plural culture
- 020034 SE Epigraphics
- 020045 SE+EX NAIKAN - A Buddhist way of insight voice meditation - History, praxis and application in the penal system and in coaching.
- 020046 SE [ en ] Minorities as driving forces for the development of societies
- 020047 SE European and Oriental Christianity from an Islamic Perspective
- 020048 SE Medicial Science in Public
- 020050 UE Rhetorical Communication I
- 020051 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience I
- 020052 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience II
- 020057 VU For theologians: everything you always wanted to know about law and politics ...
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 010043 VO Clinical rounds - from medical and ethical view
- 020048 SE Medicial Science in Public
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
Beginn der Hauptanmeldung: 10.09.2012 10:00
Ende der Hauptanmeldung: 30.09.2012 18:00
Beginn der Nachanmeldung: 01.10.2012 10:00
Ende der Nachanmeldung: 14.10.2012 18:00Anmeldung zu den Lehrveranstaltungen der SPL 2 (Evangelische Theologie) über das Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis bzw. über UNIVIS online. Bei einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen (Exkursionen, Übungen oder Seminaren) kann eine persönliche Anmeldung gefordert sein, hier gelten die Fristen der Univis-Anmeldung dann nicht! Nähere Informationen zu den einzelenen Lehrveranstaltungen entnehmen Sie bitte dem VVZ.Um die Anmeldung durchführen zu können, benötigen Sie einen gültigen U:Net-Account. Weitere Information (Anlegen U:Net Account, Verlängerung der Gültigkeit, Services etc.) finden Sie unter www.univie.ac.at/ZID/unet/In den Prüfungspasscodes beziehen sich die Buchstaben jeweils auf ein Studium: [B] = Bachelor, [M] = Master, [FT] = Fachtheologie (auslaufend) und [LA] = Lehramt