1. Specialized Study
Introductory Phase
- 100003 EV STEOP: Lecture course: Introduction into German Philology
- 100004 EV STEOP: Lecture course: Introduction into German Philology
Scientific Research Techniques
- 100066 EU Introductory Course Language
- 100067 EU Introductory Course Language
- 100068 EU Introductory Course Language
- 100069 EU Introductory Course Language
- 100070 EU Introductory Course Language
Text Analysis
- 100054 EU Introductory Course Literature
- 100055 EU Introductory Course Literature
- 100056 EU Introductory Course Literature
- 100057 EU Introductory Course Literature
- 100058 EU Introductory Course Literature
- 100059 EU Introductory Course Literature
Introduction to Germanistic Linguistics
- 100151 VO Lecture course: Germanic Linguistics
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Basics of German Philology
Text Production
- 100060 EU Introductory Course Writing
- 100061 EU Introductory Course Writing
- 100062 EU Introductory Course Writing
- 100063 EU Introductory Course Writing
- 100064 EU Introductory Course Writing
- 100065 EU Introductory Course Writing
Theory of Literature
- 100137 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100138 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100139 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100140 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100141 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100142 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100221 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
Literature and Media
- 100173 VO Lecture course: Texts and Media
Grammar of Present-Day Language
- 100129 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100130 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100131 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100132 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100133 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100134 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100135 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
Middle High German Grammar
- 100143 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100144 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100145 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100146 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100147 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100148 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100149 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100219 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
New German Literature
- 100091 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100092 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100093 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100094 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100095 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100096 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100097 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100098 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100099 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100100 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100101 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100220 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
Old German Literature
- 100088 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100089 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100090 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100218 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100102 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Theoretische Fundierung & experimentelle Umsetzung von Mini-Feldforschungsprojekten
- 100103 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Der Satzbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Dialekt und Standardsprache
- 100104 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100105 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100106 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100107 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100108 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
Tutorials German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100035 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
- 100036 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
- 100037 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
- 100038 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
- 100230 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Old German Literature
- 100156 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100157 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100158 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
New German Literature
- 100159 VO+KO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100160 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100161 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100162 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100163 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100164 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100165 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100166 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100168 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100223 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Materialien, Räume und Techniken der Überlieferung in der Neuzeit
- 140137 VO RTV - KOA Spaces, Texts and Subjects on the Move: Perspectives on Transnational Space
German Language
- 100169 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100170 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100171 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100172 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100044 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100174 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100175 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
Conversatorium History of Language
- 100167 VO Lecture History of Language
Conversatorium History of Literature 750 - 1500
- 100155 VO Lecture course: Literary History III
Conversatorium History of Literature 1500-1770/80
- 100154 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
Conversatorium History of Literature 1770/80 - 1848
- 100159 VO+KO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100160 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100161 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100162 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100163 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100164 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100165 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100166 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100168 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100223 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Materialien, Räume und Techniken der Überlieferung in der Neuzeit
Conversatorium History of Literature 1848 - 1945
- 100159 VO+KO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100160 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100161 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100162 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100163 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100164 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100165 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100166 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100168 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100223 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Materialien, Räume und Techniken der Überlieferung in der Neuzeit
Conversatorium History of Literature 1945 until Present Day
- 100153 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100154 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma Candidates
Subject Didactics
- 100150 UE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
Old German Literature
- 100118 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100119 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100120 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
New German Literature
- 100109 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100110 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100111 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100112 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100113 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100114 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100115 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100116 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100128 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
- 100150 UE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 100222 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
German Language
German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100188 FPR 10 DaF/DaZ MM 8 FP Empirical Research in the Practice Field German as a Foreign/Second Language
Old German Literature
- 100072 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100073 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100074 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100075 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Medieval and Early German Literature
New German Literature
- 100076 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100078 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100079 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100080 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100081 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100082 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100083 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100084 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature - Romane österreichischer Schriftstellerinnen nach 1945 und ihre Verfilmungen (I. Bachmann, M. Haushofer, E. Jelinek, H. Valencak)
- 100085 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature - Zitat, Montage, Collage, Plagiat, Intertext (Ulf Stolterfoht, Franz Josef Czernin)Zitat, Montage, Collage, Plagiat, Intertext (Ulf Stolterfoht, Franz Josef Czernin)
- 100128 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
- 100216 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100217 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100224 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100225 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
German Language
- 100086 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) History of German Language
- 100087 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) History of German Language
German as a Foreign /Second Language
- 100199 SE Seminar DaF/DaZ UniSTG Curriculum
- 100200 SE Seminar DaF/DaZ UniSTG Curriculum
- 100201 SE Seminar DaF/DaZ UniSTG Curriculum
Elective Courses
Specialist Tutorials
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37