29.05. Teacher Training Programme in "Geography and Economics"
STEOP: Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase
- 290014 VO STEOP: Introduction to Physical Geography
- 290071 VO STEOP: Rural geography: peripheries and remote areas
- 290079 VO STEOP: Introductory Course: Basics in Economics
- 290080 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290081 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group B
- 290224 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group C
- 290162 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group D
- 290061 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group F
- 290051 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group G
- 290255 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group G
First Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)
1.1. Basics of Physiogeography
- 290015 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group A
- 290007 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group B
- 290027 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group C
- 290207 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group D
- 290028 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group E
- 290135 PS Introduction to Geomorphology, Group F
- 290062 VO Introduction in Soil Geography and Vegetation Geography
- 290014 VO STEOP: Introduction to Physical Geography
1.2. Basics of Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290002 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group A
- 290115 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group B
- 290253 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group C
- 290243 UE Applied Urban Geography, group D
- 290071 VO STEOP: Rural geography: peripheries and remote areas
- 290018 VO+UE Introduction to Population Geography, Group A
- 290019 VO+UE Introduction to Population Geography, Group B
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290072 VO STEOP: Introduction in Cartography
- 290073 PS STEOP: Introduction in Cartography, Group A
- 290074 PS STEOP: Introduction in Cartography, Group B
- 290075 PS STEOP: Introduction in Cartography, Group C
- 290183 VO STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics
- 290119 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group A
- 290120 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group B
- 290069 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group C
- 290070 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group D
- 290216 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group E
- 290166 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group F
1.4. Methodical Basics
- 290077 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method
- 290078 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290091 VO Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
- 290097 PS Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for TA students, Group A
- 290098 PS Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for TA students, Group B
- 290159 PS Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for TA students, Group C
1.5. Basics of Economics
- 290079 VO STEOP: Introductory Course: Basics in Economics
- 290033 VO Introduction into Economics
1.6. Introduction to Didactics of Geography and Economics
- 290080 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290081 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group B
- 290224 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group C
- 290162 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group D
- 290061 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group F
- 290051 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group G
- 290255 PS STEOP: Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group G
- 290204 PS Introductory Course in Didactics: Didactic Concepts & Contents of the Subject "Geography & Economics
- 290099 PS Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290142 PS Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290235 PS Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
Second Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)
2.1. Physiogeography and Landscape Ecology
- 290240 VO Construction and Relief of Landscapes in Austria
- 290257 VO [ en ] Mountain Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change
- 290154 VO Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290126 PS Climatic change
- 290160 KU Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography
- 290125 VO+UE World Water Reserves and Water Supply
- 290347 SE Seminar on Physical Geography / Geoecology: Current topics in Hydrology
- 290008 SE Bachelorseminar Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290118 VO Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society
- 290214 RV Global population passed 7 billion - facts, concepts, trends
- 290249 RV Immigrant Entrepreneurs - the socio-cultural role of ‚ethnic‘ economies in urban areas
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290065 VU Theories of spatial development
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Asia
- 290247 PS Financial and Economic Crises
- 290111 SE Seminar (Human / Regional Geography): The Arab World - Innovationszentren oder "Global Risk Areas"?
- 290244 SE Seminar Human Geography / Didactics - Didaktische Mehrperspektivität als unterrichtsstrukturierendes Merkmal
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Stadtentwicklung zwischen Kiez / Grätzl und Metropole: Berlin und Wien im Vergleich
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Regionale Identitäten als Faktor der Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich
- 290029 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290031 SE Seminar for Economic Geography - Technologischer Fortschritt, regionale Disparitäten und Globalisierung
2.3. Basics of Regional Research and Regional Planning
- 290251 VO STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
- 290221 VO Theory of spatial planning
- 290058 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290206 VU Spatial Planning Law, Land Law, and Building Law
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290200 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Stadtentwicklung zwischen Kiez / Grätzl und Metropole: Berlin und Wien im Vergleich
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Regionale Identitäten als Faktor der Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich
2.4. Austria, the EU and Selected World Regions - Regional Structure and Problems of Regional Development
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290245 VO Regional and political geography of Southeast Europe
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290058 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Asia
- 290111 SE Seminar (Human / Regional Geography): The Arab World - Innovationszentren oder "Global Risk Areas"?
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Stadtentwicklung zwischen Kiez / Grätzl und Metropole: Berlin und Wien im Vergleich
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Regionale Identitäten als Faktor der Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich
2.5. Economics
- 290012 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Business Cycle Theory and Policy
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics - The current crisis as triumph of failed ideas
- 290068 PS Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics - within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary Education
- 290055 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2.6. Didactics of Geography and Economics
- 290013 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290020 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group B
- 290042 PS Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography: Maps, School Atlasses & Internet in Teaching Geogr.
- 290202 PR Subject-didactic Practica: university-educational cooperation project in GW, Group A
- 290040 PS "Entrepreneurship Education" in "Geography and Economics" - Economical Education Strategy or Key Competence for Lifelong Learning?
- 290143 PS Gender roles in the context of teaching geography. A theoretical & practical course in didactics.
- 290198 KO Discussion Course Focused on the Latest Literature on Didactics in "Geography and Economics"
- 290244 SE Seminar Human Geography / Didactics - Didaktische Mehrperspektivität als unterrichtsstrukturierendes Merkmal
Recommended Electives (Second Stage of Degree Programme)
- 290048 PS The obligatory subject "Career Guidance for the School of Ten- to Fourteen-Year-Olds" - and PREPARATION for CHOICE of STUDY and OCCUPATION at higher schools
- 290087 PS Introduction into Qualitative Data Collection
- 290229 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - (Gruppe B wird im SS 2013 gelesen)
- 290057 PS Project Management, group A
- 290063 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290254 PS Multivariat Regression Analysis - Theoretical background and empirical application for geographers and spatial planners
Field Trips
1. Field Trips in Austria
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290191 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Vienna Water Supply
- 290248 EX Field Trip
- 290055 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)
- 290218 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Nepal - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290123 PS [ en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - Mountainous- and Megacityregions in Transition. Socioeconomic Transformations in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam
Additional Courses
- 290030 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology
- 290153 KO Colloquium for Geoecology
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290052 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
oder der Homepage des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung unter der Adresse "http://www.univie.ac.at/geographie" in der Rubrik "Studienprogrammleitung - Studienpläne" enthalten und kann von dort auch heruntergeladen werden (PDF-Datei).Alle älteren Studienpläne, einschließlich des Studienplans vom 6. September 1996 (= Studienplan 1996), wurden am 30. November 2008 endgültig eingestellt. Studierende, die nach diesen Studienplänen studierten und ihr Studium bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht abgeschlossen haben, wurden automatisch in den Studienplan 2002 des Lehramtsstudiums überstellt. Eine freiwillige Übertrittsmöglichkeit in den Studienplan 2002 bestand bis 30. November 2008.Die Bezeichnung der Prüfungsfächer entspricht - wie in der entsprechenden Kapitelüberschrift vermerkt - dem Studienplan 2002.Erläuterung der Deskriptoren (Codes):
Die Lehrveranstaltungen des Lehramtsstudiums sind - ebenso wie jene der neuen Bachelor- und Masterstudien im Bereich der Studienprogrammleitung Geographie - jeweils durch einen oder mehrere in Klammern angegebene Deskriptoren (Codes) gekennzeichnet, die ihre Anrechenbarkeit zu den einzelnen Prüfungsfächern und Prüfungsteilen bzw. Modulen gemäß Studienplan bzw. Curriculum dokumentieren. Hierbei gibt der Großbuchstabe zu Beginn die Studienrichtung bzw. das Curriculum an (T ... Studienzweig Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie; R ... Studienzweig Raumforschung und Raumordnung; K ... Studienzweig Kartographie und Geoinformation; L1 ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde; 1. Studienabschnitt; L2 ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde, 2. Studienabschnitt; B07 ... Bachelorstudium Geographie (Curriculum 2007), B11 ... Bachelorstudium Geographie (Curriculum 2011), MG ... Masterstudium Geographie, MR ... Masterstudium Raumforschung und Raumordnung, MK ... Masterstudium Kartographie und Geoinformation), während der anschließende Kleinbuchstabe das Prüfungsfach (bzw. Modul) und die nachfolgende Zahl die Nummer des Prüfungsteils innerhalb des Prüfungsfachs (bzw. Moduls) charakterisieren.INFORMATION DER STUDIENVERTRETUNG
Für alle Erstsemestrigen (Bachelor- und Lehramtsstudierende) findet vom 12.-14.10.2012 ein spezielles Einführungsseminar statt. Dieses wird von der Studienvertretung Geographie organisiert und ist freiwillig. Das Seminar richtet sich an Erstsemestrige, um einen besseren Einblick in
das Studium zu erlangen. Es werden sowohl inhaltliche Aspekte als auch Networking im Vordergrund stehen. Der Hörsaal und das Gelände werden hiefür dienen (Wanderschuhe, warme und regenfeste Kleidung notwendig).
Nähere Infos: Zi Studienvertretung (NIG, 5. Stk., B501) sowie Homepage "univie.ac.at/stvgeo <http://univie.ac.at/strvgeo>". Anmeldungen oder Fragen an: stv.geographie@univie.ac.at oder persönlich.
Zeitraum: Fr., 12.10., 14 h bis So., 14.10.2012, ca. 20 h (Ankunft Wien)
Treffpunkt: Fr., 12.10., NIG, Liebiggasse
Ort: Uni-Seminarhaus, Heuberg 82, 7212 Forchtenstein
Unkostenbeitrag: Euro 30,-/Person (Vollpension, Anreise, Rahmenprogramm)