Universität Wien

PME Contemporary History

070379 VO Contemporary History - Die "Euthanasie"-Morde 1939 - 1945. Öffentlich Bedienstete, Verwandte, Nachbarn und Opfer. Gesellschaftsgeschichte tödlicher Vorurteile.
070089 GR Guided Reading - Africa in the Age of Imperialism
070220 GR Guided Reading - Transnational Media Events in the 20th an 21st century
070224 GR Guided Reading - Autrian History
070225 GR Guided Reading - Aspekte der Zeitgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
070226 GR Guided Reading - Global Cold War in the "Third World"
070227 GR Guided Reading - Aspekte der Zeitgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
070228 GR Guided Reading - Österreichische Geschichte 19./20. Jh.
070230 GR Guided Reading - Poland in the 20th Century
070232 GR Guided Reading - History Politics and Gender
070233 GR [es] Guided Reading - Historia del populismo latinoamericano en el siglo XX - Teoría y práctica
070237 GR Guided Reading - Changes, Continuities, Visions. Women’s and Gender History of the Austrian Interwar Period.
070361 GR Guided Reading - Consumption in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37