A [2]. Bachelorstudium Ur- und Frühgeschichte (Version 2011)
Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP)
PM 1: Methodik und Arbeitsweise
- 060035 VO STEOP: VO Aerial archaeology - basics
- 060041 VO STEOP: VU Introduction to prehistory and early European History
- 060056 VO STEOP: Principles of geophysical prospecting
- 060064 UE STEOP: UE Introduction to the methods of prehistoric archaeology
PM 2: Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden
- 060037 VO STEOP: UE Natural sciences in Archaeology: Archaeometry
- 060038 VO STEOP: Experimental Archaeology: an Introduction
- 060072 VO STEOP: UE Scientific Archaeology
PM 3: Grabungstechnik 1
PM 4: Grabungstechnik 2
WM 1: Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit
WM 2: Jungsteinzeit
WM 3: Bronzezeit
- 060065 EX Excursion to archaeological sites in Lower Austria and Burgenland
- 060073 VO Introduction to the Bronze Age
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
WM 4: Eisenzeit
WM 5: Römische Kaiserzeit
WM 6: Völkerwanderungszeit
WM 7: Mittelalterarchäologie
- 060029 BU Exercise course of medieval small finds
- 060031 EX Excursion to medieval sites in Austria (2 days)
- 060150 VO Introduction to the Archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- 060174 PS Proseminar Medieval Urban Archaeologie
WM 8: Neuzeitarchäoligie
AP 1: Prospektionstechnik und Landschaftsarchäologie
- 060036 UE UE Prospection Techniques and Landscape Archaeology
- 060084 UE Extensive and intensive field surveying
- 060114 VU Geophysical Prospecting
- 060117 VO Stratigraphy and Archaeology
- 060119 VU Archaeological Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
AP 2: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- 060062 VU Experimental Archaeology and museum education: problems and perspectives
- 060110 VO Museology I
AP 3: Restaurierung und Dokumentation
PM 5: Studienausgangsphase
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37