Universität Wien

Bachelor Physics (676 [3] - Version 2018)

In addition to the online registration, personal attendance at the preliminary meeting or first unit of the courses is absolutely necessary! If you are unable to attend, please inform the course administration in good time (i.e. before the course), otherwise your place in the course may be given to another student.

Only for first-year students in the summer semester: The two courses 260144 "Preparation course StEOP 1 for beginners - in the summer term 2022" and 260040 "Preparation course StEOP 2 for beginners - in the summer term 2022" accompany the independent preparation of the material for the StEOP module examinations.

260401 PUE [deende en] (STEOP) STEOP 2: Introduction to Calculus
260023 PUE [deen] Programming for Physicists
260095 PUE [deen] Analysis for Physicists III
260029 SE Scientific publishing and presentation - only for Bachelor students
260124 SE Supplementary Seminar STEOP, B I (WiSe) - for sophomores of problem-solving courses accompanying Experimental Physics I
260113 VO [en] Time and Clocks
260153 VO [en] Experimental Particle Physics I - Accelerators and Detectors
260037 PUE [en] Quantum Information
260085 VO [en] Quantum Information
260013 LP [de en] Lab-Course: Aerosolphysik

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01