Universität Wien

Bachelor of Education Psychology and Philosophy (054 425)


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200010 VO (REMOTE) EC Clinical Psychology
180110 LPS (MIXED) Gabriel Marcel
010132 VO (ON-SITE) Ancient Philosophy
010028 VO (ON-SITE) Medieval philosophy
180093 VO History of Philosophy III - for the teaching post
180177 VO (ON-SITE) Kant - theory of knowledge
180140 KU [en] Conceptions of Truth
180050 SE (ON-SITE) Power and Subject in Foucault
180137 KU Shaped Realities - Interactions of media, technology, the individual and society from antiquity to the digital age
180195 VO Introduction to Subject Didactics PP - Thinking for yourself/science of the self: an introduction to the didactics of philosophy in the context of didactics of psychology
180095 SE (KPHON-SITE) Didactics in Psychology
180096 SE (KPH) Philosophical Didactics
180196 SE Didactics of Philosophy - From the subject content to the problem to the method - and back again
020015 KU Course Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Flight - Health Care Law - Patient Safety
180009 UE (ON-SITE) M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
180010 VU (ON-SITE) M-03 Reasoning in Philosophy
180012 VO (MIXED) Greek Terminology
180077 SE [en] Blockchain-Governance
180170 VO-L (ON-SITE) The Essential Mind of the Zen Buddhism by Dogen - The Relationship of the Zen and Tendai Buddhism
180183 VO-L (ON-SITE) All pleasure wants eternity
180184 VO-L (ON-SITE) Theories of violence
180187 VO (ON-SITE) Foundations of Applied Ethics
180194 VO-L [en] (ON-SITE) Introduction to Animal Ethics
180206 SE Englisch Basic questions of existence analysis - Hatred, violence and war: Phenomenology of the abyss and its psychotherapeutic dimension
180207 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Minds, Machines, and Ethics
350194 VO (KPHON-SITE) Introduction to Sport Ethics
180152 SE (ON-SITE) Interdisciplinary Didactics - Begleit-LV BEd Schulpraxis

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01