Universität Wien

Master Ecology and Ecosystems (833 [2] - Version 2013)

300141 VU [en] Multivariate statistical methods in ecology - data analysis and modelling
300232 VU [en] (ON-SITE) Introduction to coding in R (VU): A hands-on approach - study design
300368 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Practical data analysis in ecology, biodiversity and zoology - Data Analysis and modelling
300008 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Species distribution modelling - Data Analysis and modelling
300202 UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Biodiversity of marine coastal habitats
300295 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Field course "Biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems" - advanced level
300297 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Methods in plant diversity research - (Investigation Design)
300434 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry Laboratory - Techniques in Systems Biology
300299 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Specific Research Project in Ecology
290013 PR [en] Landscape Analysis
300014 VO (ON-SITE) Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Methods of assessment
300028 VU (ON-SITE) Limnetic ostracods from Europe - Biodiversity, systematics and bioindication
300032 VO [en] (REMOTE) Bird Ecology
300072 UE (ON-SITE) Rhizosphere
300079 VU (ON-SITE) Ecology of peatlands
300094 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Proteomics in Systems Biology
300115 UE (ON-SITE) DNA Barcoding - A new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
300119 SE [en] (ON-SITE) Evolutionary Ecology
300126 SE [en] (ON-SITE) Biodiversity and Conservation Science - Seminar for Masterstudents - Pflichtseminar im MNB6
300159 VO [de en] (ON-SITE) Conservation Genetics - (Conservation Genetics)
300163 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Methods in pollination biology
300165 UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Algae - their world explored
300175 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Microbial Oceanography
300176 UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Diversity and functional attributes of biological communities - along enviromental gradients
300201 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Microbial Oceanography Course
300244 UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Advanced field course fish ecology
300295 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Field course "Biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems" - advanced level
300357 VO (ON-SITE) Specific Human Ecology
300422 UE (ON-SITE) Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework Directive
300433 VO Medical parasitology - Transfer of basic knowledge
300443 SE+UE [en] (ON-SITE) Scientific Writing: Abstracts and Articles
300600 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44